("XYZ" Germanic root; > closest form I could find; ??? I'm not sure at all)
HerbertCHILDEBERT = Hildbert
CHILDERIC = Hildrich
CHILPERIC = Hilfrich
GENEBALD „gen“ > probably from „gagin“ (against) + „bald“ (bold)
HERIMERUS „heri“ (army) + „mari“ (famous) / „mari“ (sea) ???
LIUBIGOTONA „liob“ (dear, beloved) + Goth ???
MARCOMIR „marha“ (horse) / „marco“ (boundary) + mari“ (famous) / „mari“ (sea) ???
RECASWIND > Recesvinth? (5. cent.) – „ricja“ (rule) + „svintha“ (strong)
REKIBERGA > Ricberga (8. cent.) –„ricja“ (rule) + „berga“ (rescue)
SUAVEGOTHA „swaba“ (Swabian, name of a Germanic tribe, Svebes? „of the own people“?) + „Goth“ ???
This is mostly taken from:
Ernst Förstemann: Altdeutsche Personennamen (1906)
Henning Kaufmann: Altdeutsche Personennamen, Ergänzungsband* (1968)
(* supplement)