[Facts] Re: Long name - Miss Claire
They do? I'm familiar with the name changes - Abram -> Abraham, Sarai -> Sarah - but not with middle names. Middle of what? Isn't the biblical form something like A, son of B? Not the same as A Bson, just as Jim, son of Jack isn't the same as Jim Jackson. But I can't recall a character who's multinamed from the start - except those children of a prophet (was it Jeremiah? I'm rusty!) whose names were whole sentences - and I always thought they were plot devices, not real people.I'd be interested to learn more!
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Long name  ·  Daniel  ·  5/28/2005, 6:28 PM
Re: Long name  ·  oneway21001  ·  5/29/2005, 2:26 PM
Re: Long name  ·  Lauren B  ·  5/29/2005, 4:47 AM
Re: Long name  ·  M  ·  5/28/2005, 9:09 PM
Chinese don't have mn either  ·  Ylva  ·  5/29/2005, 5:05 AM
Long names from India  ·  তন্ময় ভট  ·  5/29/2005, 11:39 AM
Re: Long name  ·  Miss Claire  ·  5/28/2005, 8:40 PM
Re: Long name - Miss Claire  ·  Anneza  ·  5/29/2005, 11:20 PM
Re: Long name - Miss Claire  ·  Miss Claire  ·  5/29/2005, 11:58 PM
Re: Long name - Miss Claire  ·  Anneza  ·  5/30/2005, 5:41 AM
Re: Long name - Miss Claire  ·  Miss Claire  ·  5/30/2005, 7:17 AM