[Facts] And this is just one reason why we say RTFM...
...which, when we're feeling polite, means: "Read the Friendly Message".
Because it's important for anyone making a name inquiry to provide as much initial information as possible, if they expect anyone here to invest any time and effort in a serious response to their inquiry. I that see Shelva has now provided more information below. (Thank you, Shelva.)
I've been on this board since the year 2000, and I have seen countless people sail in here with "What does my name mean?" type questions, with not even so much as giving us a clue as to whether they are male or female. And some of these people have even had the honesty to later admit that they could have asked their parents about their names, but didn't bother to. (Most of the people doing this appear to be not much older than 12 or 13, from the sound of their postings)
For cripe's sake, people, we're not mind-readers here. If your momma named you "Shushkabubba", she must've had a reason. Either she heard the name somewhere (ask her *where*), or you were named after an ancestor (tell us where that ancestor came from) or your momma just made it up. If you CAN'T ask your momma, then ask SOMEONE in your family, social unit, whatever.
And if your momma just made up your name because she wanted you to have a "unique" and "kree-8-tive" name (and we do get a depressing number of these), then the best anyone here can suggest is that you ask your momma what she was thinking of (if she was thinking at all) when she named you "Shushkabubba" or "LaTawananeisha", and then simply attach that kree-8-tive meaning to it.
-- Nanaea