[Facts] I thought I was the only one..
Hi! I am a 28 year old female from Virginia USA. My name is Jenzy Nester. I thought I was the only person in the world with this name. Now that I typed "Jenzy" in the search engine in Yahoo I found out different. I have no idea where this name started, all I know is my cousin which is 4 years older than I am came up with my name. He mentioned it and my folks liked it, so here I am. I would love to hear where it came from and from any other Jenzy's out there! Thank you!
"Jenzy" appears to be a variation of "Jensy". A search of genealogical records on the 'net reveals that "Jensy" developed as a popular pet name for "Jane", and was in use in the United States during the 18th and 19th centuries.
-- Nanaea
-- Nanaea
Hi i knew a girl who went by the name of Jensy/Jenzy not sure how she spelt it but her name was a nickname for Jennifer maybe that was the origin