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[Facts] Hey...
just thought I'd stop by and pay my respects after a long time gone.The absence hasn't been entirely voluntary. Starting in early Feb, I rapidly began losing the sight in my right (better) eye. Nothing dramatic, like a motorcycle accident. It just happened.The doctor diagnosed a detached retina, and said that often these things are readily fixed with a couple hours of surgery. But not always...After 3 major retinal surgeries over 3 months (including a total of 6 weeks in bed), I'm back at work on a regular basis and able to use the computer for more than 10 minutes at a time. To some extent, I'm also able to use the eye, bloodshot and sinister tho it appears.Thankfully, it works pretty well for distinguishing light, shapes, and colors. Not very good for deciphering words and recognizing facial features, but this may improve a bit over time. Or not.Anyway, I'm glad to find BtN so active and just as ornery as ever. Even Her Satanic PMSness is back on a regular basis! I plan to start spending some time here, soon's I wade through the 400 unopened e-mails I still have at work...Regards,Da.
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Thanks everybody!
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Doing a makeshift ritual for both of our recovering males. :)I hope your detached retina was successfully reattached Oh Curmudgeonic One and I hope that Mike C.s ears are "in balance" ( a positive balance, that is.)Phyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Thankee! Now, Mike C. is young and strong and should recover quickly and completely (or so hope we all).Those of us twice his age are less resilient and are willing to settle for, say, not looking permanently like Jack Elam or the old man on the "Aqualung" album cover...
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Nice to hear from you, Daividh! I'm sending a very speedy recovery your way. Geez, it's been a looong time. I hope to talk to you soon. :)Sarahjeanne
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Hey Sarahjeanne! (hug)Send me another e-mail when/if you have time. :DPhyllis (aka Sidhe Uaine or Gaia Euphoria)
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Hey TB!Welcome back :))))
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>Hi Phyllis! I'm on it!SJ
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I thought something was missing...Welcome back, Daividh, sinister bloodshot eye and all. The board needs your acerbic wit. Hope your recovery is speedy.
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Welcome back Old Beast, we all miss!
All the best for your retina (= in tear), get well soon, and resume some serious wizzigoth cyclin' :)
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It's Cranky Dave! Welcome back!!!!!So sorry to read about the eye, Daividh. Am sending you much positive energy, although I'm also glad to read that you're already on the road to recovery. So cool to have you back :) even if it might be on a somewhat limited basis.Heheh, good thing for the moron below who signed off with "like anyone cares" that Mike C. deleted his/her sweet little message. I'd love to have added that troll's ISP number to my collection. ;)-- Nanaea, "Her Satanic PMSness"
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Welcome back!Good to hear from you and I hope your recovery goes well. I can kinda identify ... I'm just getting over a rather nasty ear infection that left me (temporarily) deaf on one side. Not that a detached retina doesn't sound about fifty times worse.
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nice speedy deletion! :)n
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Nice to see a familiar name :)Nanaea directed us to some interesting archives recently, and I was thinking - where's everyone gone?Hope your eye continues to improve...
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Good to see you being back again!! I was wondering where you had been! I really hope that you'll be better soon!!SatuPS: ohhhh, 400 e-mails???? Well, have fun! ;)
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