Shawn and I are absolutely thrilled to announce the arrival of our daughter,
Anya Adrienne Isadora. The twins are now six and about to start first grade;
Meg is nearly out of her "terrible twos" stage.
Kate couldn't be happier to have two sisters to play with.
Luke, on the other hand, was disappointed to not get a little brother and sulked for a bit after
Anya was born. He has since warmed up to her tremendously and is taking his new job as protector very seriously.
** Katherine Cecilia Brigid's nickname is Kate, in case you didn't catch that.
Reagan ElizabethDH:
Shawn RobertDS/DD:
Luke Michael Declan and
Katherine Cecilia Brigid "
Margot Eliza Juliet "
DD: Anya Adrienne IsadoraThis message was edited 7/4/2005, 9:02 PM