[Facts] O lordy... or should i say Boggy...
Slavic mythology is messed
perhaps earlier familiarization with Greek, Roman and Egyptian Mythology, or better study on the subjects has lead to them being more clear and concise... but this is just insane.They have several gods of one thing, eg. the sun, and sometimes mulitple names of one god, which in some texts is seen as the same god, and in other texts as a seperate god, and one god will rule over 5 things where another god will rule over 4 of those 5 things.Like, roman and greek,
there is a god of love, and sun and moon and etc etc
none of this mumbo jumbo
but then perhaps someone coming into mythology with no prior knowledge would be confused with the true gods vs. demi gods, and the gods predessors, the titans, and titanessesuhhhhhsoooo lost... so much work... just when i thought i was starting to understand this... well frankly bs...aggg -falls over-~SDty for the site tho... as much as im further confused... the more info i get, the more confusing it becomes... yea!!!
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I'm back!!! with a question!!!  ·  Silver  ·  8/12/2003, 9:30 AM
Welcome back, Silver!!!! :)  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/12/2003, 11:28 AM
Re: Welcome back, Silver!!!! :)  ·  Satu  ·  8/26/2003, 1:20 PM
Yea.... remember when i used to cause trouble ^_^ n/t  ·  Silver  ·  8/12/2003, 2:48 PM
Yeah, but I'll tell ya a secret...  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/12/2003, 4:41 PM
awwww nan  ·  Silver  ·  8/12/2003, 6:07 PM
Re: awwww nan  ·  Nanaea  ·  8/13/2003, 1:20 PM
lol!!  ·  Silver  ·  8/13/2003, 9:48 PM
Re: I'm back!!! with a question!!!  ·  Ivayla  ·  8/12/2003, 11:08 AM
Re: I'm back!!! with a question!!!  ·  Silver  ·  8/12/2003, 3:03 PM
Marena and Chernobog  ·  Ivayla  ·  8/12/2003, 4:51 PM
O lordy... or should i say Boggy...  ·  Silver  ·  8/12/2003, 5:42 PM
LOL! Just keep in mind that  ·  Ivayla  ·  8/12/2003, 5:54 PM
ill give em that much  ·  Silver  ·  8/12/2003, 7:13 PM
Here goes  ·  Ivayla  ·  8/13/2003, 12:22 PM
rock on  ·  Silver  ·  8/13/2003, 10:25 PM
Good luck on your driving test  ·  Ivayla  ·  8/13/2003, 10:50 PM
ty n/t  ·  Silver  ·  8/14/2003, 8:14 AM
Ooops! It's the Baltic sea :( n/t  ·  Ivayla  ·  8/13/2003, 3:38 PM
One more thing - Nikeisha  ·  Silver  ·  8/12/2003, 9:33 AM