Annabel Margot-Margot? Ew. That's disgusting. You know, when little kids find out her middle name they won't be able to pronounce it right. Do you really want other children making fun of your
Annabel (moo) mahr-gaht?
Susannah Eloise-Oh
Susannah, wont you cry for me? I actually can't say much of anything bad about
Eloise. I'm coming to enjoy the name.
Eliza Charlotte-Sadly, again. I like both names. But they're so traditional and/or common!
Katharine Louisa-If you're going to use a traditional name. Spell it correctly. it should Kath
erine. No
a included in the middle.
Louisa just reminds me of Louisiana. Ick.
Sylvie Aurelia-Sylvie sounds like either one of those 'hooked on phonics' type of programs, or Syliva. Ew.
Aurelia? I can't even pronounce that.
Henry Sebastian-Under the sea, under the sea! Oh it is better down where it's wetter, take it from me!
William Edward-How proper can you get?
Thomas Alexander-Your taste is very sophisticated and traditional, but this one I can handle.
Alexander has some spunk to it, at least.
Oliver Benjamin-Oliver and company, have you ever seen that movie? It's a
Charles Harper-Charlie
Will he play the harp? It sounds too much like a last name for me.