This is my son,
Elijah Malcolm.
You say:
You think:
This is my daughter,
Lilian Marie.
You say:
You think:
This is my son,
Cyrus Ezra.
You say:
You think:
This is my daughter,
Elsa Linden.
You say:
You think:
This is my son,
Judah Vaughan.
You say:
You think:
This is my daughter,
Priscilla Jessamine.
You say:
You think:
This is my son,
Silas Everett.
You say:
You think:
This is my daughter,
Emmaline Pearl.
You say:
You think:
Proud adopter of eight PPs! See my profile for their names.
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing." -
Jessamyn West (1903-1984)