by Maestra (guest)
8/10/2005, 12:22 AM
I too find the spelling, Aoide difficult. Although more appealing to the aesthetic sense it is confusing. However, if you take it's other spelling "Aoede" into consideration I believe it should be pronounced: "Eh Oh Dee" the A should be a long A and the "oe", well...think of the word, "aloe" and take out the "l".
Also, if you look at the Greek names if there are two vowals next to each other, one is always stressed and the other not; one is long and the other short. For example, "Io" and "Iole". More more specifically we can look at "Aeolus" which can also be spelled "Aiolos" and see similarities.
if anyone else has any insight please share! this is quite fascinating.