Caroline MaeLN: Hart
Russell Ambrose DW:
Cecilia Marion DS:
Elior HenryDS:
Adam ColeDS:
Renatus Micah DD/DD:
Willa Quinn /
Marie Kassandra
I know this is your congrats game, but I just wanted to ask that we have a namebank or initials but not both. When you are given only one or two options for names because of a namebank/initial combo it seems a bit constricting. Namebanks are great because they give a wide variety of options, initials are also nice because they allow people to find a name they like within the letters provided.
Again, Id on't want to come off as offensive because I really have liked your game a lot so far. However, if you do continue the initials with namebank combo I would suggest putting at least five names for each letter, especially for underused letters like Q, becuase
Quinn is the only Q option.