[Games] CAF with names celebrities might use
In this day and age of celebrities naming their kids absolutely horrific and embarrassing things, I thought, why not make a CAF of it? I've thrown in some names that were actually given to the poor children, and some are just of my own invention.
Feel free to be as ridiculous as you'd like -- meaning you can change the spellings, insert useless apostrophes, and capitalize letters randomly.
Boys: Alfalfa, Alligator, America, Argyle, Astro, Audio, Banjo, Blanket, Bubba, Buccaneer, Canoe, Captain, Cassanova, Cavalier, Cruz, Dijon, Dingo, Dweezil, Grocery, Jermajesty, Knick, Legend, Lettuce, Manchester, Mohawk, Nascar, Novice, Oreo, Patriot, Pirate, Pluto, Racecar, Racer, Raider, Ranger, Raptor, Rebel, Rocket, Rogue, Rolex, Romeo, Satchel, Scat, Science, Sedan, Stetson, Toto, Turquoise, Veto, Volvo, Whitebread, Wizard, Yankee, Ziggy
Girls: Amazon, Anaconda, Apple, Blessing, Boo, Celestial, Cookie, Cupcake, Dixie, Dot, Enigma, Fancy, Fifi, Flower, Grape, Gucci, Hallelujah, Harmonica, Honeydew, Izzy, Jazz, Jersey, Kiwi, Koala, Latrine, Jakarta, Maccabee, Marmalade, Marvelous, Messiah, Money, Moon Unit, Moxie, Muffin, Musique, Mystery, Panda, Peaches, Peanut, Pebble, Pookie, Puma, Rainbow, Shellsea, Sincere, Sunshine, Switzerland, Tequila, Treasure, Unique, Vegas, Venus
Feel free to be as ridiculous as you'd like -- meaning you can change the spellings, insert useless apostrophes, and capitalize letters randomly.
Boys: Alfalfa, Alligator, America, Argyle, Astro, Audio, Banjo, Blanket, Bubba, Buccaneer, Canoe, Captain, Cassanova, Cavalier, Cruz, Dijon, Dingo, Dweezil, Grocery, Jermajesty, Knick, Legend, Lettuce, Manchester, Mohawk, Nascar, Novice, Oreo, Patriot, Pirate, Pluto, Racecar, Racer, Raider, Ranger, Raptor, Rebel, Rocket, Rogue, Rolex, Romeo, Satchel, Scat, Science, Sedan, Stetson, Toto, Turquoise, Veto, Volvo, Whitebread, Wizard, Yankee, Ziggy
Girls: Amazon, Anaconda, Apple, Blessing, Boo, Celestial, Cookie, Cupcake, Dixie, Dot, Enigma, Fancy, Fifi, Flower, Grape, Gucci, Hallelujah, Harmonica, Honeydew, Izzy, Jazz, Jersey, Kiwi, Koala, Latrine, Jakarta, Maccabee, Marmalade, Marvelous, Messiah, Money, Moon Unit, Moxie, Muffin, Musique, Mystery, Panda, Peaches, Peanut, Pebble, Pookie, Puma, Rainbow, Shellsea, Sincere, Sunshine, Switzerland, Tequila, Treasure, Unique, Vegas, Venus
This is gonna be fun... :D
DH: Ziggy Dwee'Zil
DW: JaKarta Muz'ique
DS: Di'Jon Wizzerd
DS: Rebel LeGende
DD: Mys'terie Moon Unit
DD: Venus Shell'See
DS/DD: Jer'Majistee Piratte/ Vegas Hal'Layloo'Ya
DS: Yan'Kee Blan'Ket
DD: Money Trea'zure
DS/DS/DD: Astro Skat/ Roket Kap'tain/ Pu'ma Gucci
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
DH: Ziggy Dwee'Zil
DW: JaKarta Muz'ique
DS: Di'Jon Wizzerd
DS: Rebel LeGende
DD: Mys'terie Moon Unit
DD: Venus Shell'See
DS/DD: Jer'Majistee Piratte/ Vegas Hal'Layloo'Ya
DS: Yan'Kee Blan'Ket
DD: Money Trea'zure
DS/DS/DD: Astro Skat/ Roket Kap'tain/ Pu'ma Gucci
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
DH: Alfalfa Science
DW: Apple Flower
DS: Raider Pirate
DS: Science Alfalfa
DD: Amazon Musique
DD: Harmonica Boo
DS/DD: Legend Canoe / Hallelujah Grape
DS: Man'Chester Dijon
DD: Messiah Panda
DS/DS/DD: Wizzard Cruzz / Rebel Ziggy / Vegas Jazzz
Alfie, Apple, Raider, Science, Ama, Mon, Legend, Helle, Chester, Siah, Wizz, Rebel & Vegas
DW: Apple Flower
DS: Raider Pirate
DS: Science Alfalfa
DD: Amazon Musique
DD: Harmonica Boo
DS/DD: Legend Canoe / Hallelujah Grape
DS: Man'Chester Dijon
DD: Messiah Panda
DS/DS/DD: Wizzard Cruzz / Rebel Ziggy / Vegas Jazzz
Alfie, Apple, Raider, Science, Ama, Mon, Legend, Helle, Chester, Siah, Wizz, Rebel & Vegas
DH: Rogue Astro 'Rogue'
DW: Maccabee Izzy 'Macca'
DS: Nascar Rogue 'Nascar'
DS: Stetson Astro 'Stetson'
DD: Vegas Maccabee 'Vegas'
DD: Celestial Izzy 'CC'
DS/DD: Ziggy Legend / Jazz Enigma 'Ziggy & Jazz'
DS: Novice Rolex 'Novice'
DD: Musique Jakarta 'Musique'
DS/DS/DD: Sedan Ranger / Banjo Patriot / Gucci Sunshine 'Sedan, Banjo & Gucci'
I Actually like the name Izzy as the nickname for Isabelle, I also think Jersey is a fun name... not that I would name MY kid that.... but its not THAT bad, Jazz also as a nickname for Jasmine is nice, Rouge I like for a nickname for Rogan, and finally... I think Cassanova isn't as bad either... both that's my thought.
DH: Sedan Rolex "Danny"
DW: Messiah Sunshine "Sunny"
DS: Cassanova Romeo "Cassi"
DS: Ranger Novice
DD: Jersey Shellsea
DD: Izzy Musique
DS/DD: Rouge Yankee / Amazon Vegas
DS: Buccaneer Manchester "Buck"
DD: Fancy Jakarta
DS/DS/DD: Raider Pluto / Patriot Veto / Jazz Maccabee "Raid, Patriot, Jazz"
Danny and Sunny
Cassi, Ranger, Jersey, Izzy, Rouge, Amazon, Buck, Fancy, Raid, Patriot, and Jazz
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Sedan Rolex "Danny"
DW: Messiah Sunshine "Sunny"
DS: Cassanova Romeo "Cassi"
DS: Ranger Novice
DD: Jersey Shellsea
DD: Izzy Musique
DS/DD: Rouge Yankee / Amazon Vegas
DS: Buccaneer Manchester "Buck"
DD: Fancy Jakarta
DS/DS/DD: Raider Pluto / Patriot Veto / Jazz Maccabee "Raid, Patriot, Jazz"
Danny and Sunny
Cassi, Ranger, Jersey, Izzy, Rouge, Amazon, Buck, Fancy, Raid, Patriot, and Jazz
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Stetson Yankee
DW: Tequila Latrine
DS: !Captain!-!Legend!
DS: RockeTRAPtor
DD: PeaNutMysTery
DD: Cup'cake'Enig'ma
DS/DD: Alligator-Canoe and Marvelous-Panda
DS: Ggrroocceerryy Wwiizzaarrdd
DS/DS/DD: LETTICE WROGuE, BannjoeScience and !Switzerland'sTreasure!
DW: Tequila Latrine
DS: !Captain!-!Legend!
DS: RockeTRAPtor
DD: PeaNutMysTery
DD: Cup'cake'Enig'ma
DS/DD: Alligator-Canoe and Marvelous-Panda
DS: Ggrroocceerryy Wwiizzaarrdd
DS/DS/DD: LETTICE WROGuE, BannjoeScience and !Switzerland'sTreasure!
DH: Argyle Manchester
DW: Dot Shellsea
DS: Cavalier Legend "Cavvie"
DS: Wizard Rogue
DD: Enigma Maccabee
DD: Sincere Jakarta
DS/DD: Novice Sedan / Celestial Mystery "Lessie"
DS: America Patriot
DD: Switzerland Vegas "Landa"
DS/DS/DD: Ranger Dingo / Canoe Cassanova / Hallelujah Musique "Hallie"
Argyle and Dot with children:
Cavvie, Wizard, Enigma, Sincere, Novice, Lessie, America, Landa, Ranger, Canoe, and Hallie.
·•·Eliza·•·(See PPs in profile)
I'm in love with learning.
DW: Dot Shellsea
DS: Cavalier Legend "Cavvie"
DS: Wizard Rogue
DD: Enigma Maccabee
DD: Sincere Jakarta
DS/DD: Novice Sedan / Celestial Mystery "Lessie"
DS: America Patriot
DD: Switzerland Vegas "Landa"
DS/DS/DD: Ranger Dingo / Canoe Cassanova / Hallelujah Musique "Hallie"
Argyle and Dot with children:
Cavvie, Wizard, Enigma, Sincere, Novice, Lessie, America, Landa, Ranger, Canoe, and Hallie.
I'm in love with learning.
It disturbs me that some of these are actual names.
DH: Naskar Pyrat
DW: Amazon Musique
DS: Reb'l Patriot
DS: Rocket Science
DD: Harmonika Misteree
DD: Celestial Raynbo
DS/DD: Astro Rayder/Jakarta Enigma
DS: Lej'nd Wizard
DD: Tekeila Jaz
DS/DS/DD: Turcoys Racer/ Astro Rolecks/ Yooneek Flower
Anyone considering giving one of these names to their child should have their head examined.
DH: Naskar Pyrat
DW: Amazon Musique
DS: Reb'l Patriot
DS: Rocket Science
DD: Harmonika Misteree
DD: Celestial Raynbo
DS/DD: Astro Rayder/Jakarta Enigma
DS: Lej'nd Wizard
DD: Tekeila Jaz
DS/DS/DD: Turcoys Racer/ Astro Rolecks/ Yooneek Flower
Anyone considering giving one of these names to their child should have their head examined.
Cruz Raider
Mystery Sincere
Legend Manchestor
Patriot Cavalier
Fansee Musique
Apple - Boo Peaches
Captain Romeo / Honeydo Sunshine
Pirate Rebel
Vegas Tequila
DS / DS / DD
Racer Wizard / Ranger Ziggy / Peanut Fifi - Hallelujah
Cruz & Mystery
Legend, Patriot, Fansee, Apple - Boo, Captain, Honeydo, Pirate, Vegas, Racer, Ranger & Peanut
xx Cait xx
Not all that is gold glitters, not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
A cat will never drown if she sees the shore.
Francis Bacon 1561 - 1626
Cruz Raider
Mystery Sincere
Legend Manchestor
Patriot Cavalier
Fansee Musique
Apple - Boo Peaches
Captain Romeo / Honeydo Sunshine
Pirate Rebel
Vegas Tequila
DS / DS / DD
Racer Wizard / Ranger Ziggy / Peanut Fifi - Hallelujah
Cruz & Mystery
Legend, Patriot, Fansee, Apple - Boo, Captain, Honeydo, Pirate, Vegas, Racer, Ranger & Peanut
xx Cait xx
Not all that is gold glitters, not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
A cat will never drown if she sees the shore.
Francis Bacon 1561 - 1626
DH:Satchel Toto
DW:Gucci Peanut
DS:Banjo Dweezil
DS:Astro Knick
DD:MArvelous Harmonica
DD:Honeydew Mystery
DS/DD:Pluto Patriot/Rainbow Moon Unit
DS:Mohawk Scat
DD:Marmalade Tequila
DS/DS/DD:Oreo Dijon / Jermajesty Legend / Celestial Cookie
DW:Gucci Peanut
DS:Banjo Dweezil
DS:Astro Knick
DD:MArvelous Harmonica
DD:Honeydew Mystery
DS/DD:Pluto Patriot/Rainbow Moon Unit
DS:Mohawk Scat
DD:Marmalade Tequila
DS/DS/DD:Oreo Dijon / Jermajesty Legend / Celestial Cookie
DH: Stetson DiJon
DW: Jersey Messiah
DS: Patriot Rogue
DS: Legend Romeo
DD: Blessing Flower
DD: Sincere Dot
DS/DD: Banjo Yankee / Rainbow Musi'que
DS: Cavalier Alfalfa
DD: Fancy Celestial
DS/DS/DD: Buccaneer Rebel / Pirate Cassanova / Treasure Pebble
Stetson & Jersey
Pat, Gen, Blessing, CiCi, Banjo, Rain, Cav, Fancy, Buck, Pirate and Treasure
DW: Jersey Messiah
DS: Patriot Rogue
DS: Legend Romeo
DD: Blessing Flower
DD: Sincere Dot
DS/DD: Banjo Yankee / Rainbow Musi'que
DS: Cavalier Alfalfa
DD: Fancy Celestial
DS/DS/DD: Buccaneer Rebel / Pirate Cassanova / Treasure Pebble
Stetson & Jersey
Pat, Gen, Blessing, CiCi, Banjo, Rain, Cav, Fancy, Buck, Pirate and Treasure
Im going to give the parents normal names since most celebs have them.
DH: Christopher Allen
DW: Scarlett Maria
DS: Rocket Nascar
DS: Bukkanear Knick
DD: Trehsure Guchi Honey'dew
DD: Jercie Amyzon Enigmah
DS/DD: Raptor Kaptain / Misteri Jazz Veygas
DS: Yankey Argyle
DD: Kookie Peaches Rainebo
DS/DS/DD: Volvo Mohhawk / Plueto Knovice / Apple Blesing Messia
Christopher and Scarlett
Rocket, Bukkanear, Trehsure, Jercie, Raptor, Misteri, Yankey, Kookie, Volvo, Plueto and Apple
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!
DH: Christopher Allen
DW: Scarlett Maria
DS: Rocket Nascar
DS: Bukkanear Knick
DD: Trehsure Guchi Honey'dew
DD: Jercie Amyzon Enigmah
DS/DD: Raptor Kaptain / Misteri Jazz Veygas
DS: Yankey Argyle
DD: Kookie Peaches Rainebo
DS/DS/DD: Volvo Mohhawk / Plueto Knovice / Apple Blesing Messia
Christopher and Scarlett
Rocket, Bukkanear, Trehsure, Jercie, Raptor, Misteri, Yankey, Kookie, Volvo, Plueto and Apple
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!