Old Results:
Maia CelesteDD:
Adela SaraiDD:
Rowan ChristopherDS:
Judas Sebastian "
DD: Anna Luella [miss_smiley]
DD: Aria Estelle [Acquarella]
DD: Clara Astrid [Acquarella]
DS: Dylan Evander [LizzyQ]Names I wish I could've included (I liked these, but not quite enough to use them]:
Demetrius Harry [miss_smiley];
Anna Serephine [Mar];
Anna Camille [Oslin];
Luca Matthias [Oslin];
Jared Emett [taquito];
Katrina Lauren [Flute];
Stephen Caleb [Flute];
Nadia Rachelle [Cera];
Dylan Zacharias [Cera];
No new round, since I'm going to be on vacation
Sunday thru Friday. Sorry! I really wish I could play! ;)