Hi, i am currently developing a JavaScript function to validate a first names form field for RPGCasino.com - i need to confirm the following however:
- vowels allowed for names (internationally). sofar i've got AEIOUaeiouÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜàáâãäæèéêëìíîïðòóôõöøùúûü
- most consecutive vowels in a name ever, i am guessing three, but i stand under correction.
- consonants allowed for names (internationally). sofar i've got BCÇDÐFGHJKLMNÑPQRSßTVWXYÝZbcçdfghjklmnñpqrstvwxyýÿz
- the most consecutive consonants in a name ever, i am guessing 3, but i stand under correction.
- symbols allowed for names (internationally). sofar i've got just the apostrophe (') and dash (-).
- the most consecutive symbols in a name ever (internationally). i am guessing one, but i stand under correction.
- invalid characters for names (internationally). sofar i've got [space]!""£$%^&*()_+=1234567890|\/?.,~# but i stand under correction.
- least first names ever (must be one, every person who is computer literate has a first name)
- most first names ever (according to this site it is four, which is where it is set at the moment
- the shortest first name ever (internationally). must be 2, otherwise it's an initial, such as
JO, etc.
- the longest first name ever (internationally). i am guessing around 20, cos i found a first name with 15 characters under A while browsing yesterday. I stand under correction though.
any help by an expert in names would be appreciated,
thanks in advance,
Pierre du Toit.