[Surname] Last name. Rapien
What is the origin, pronounciation, and where did it derive from
Don't know the ethnic background that's why I"m asking. When we say the last name it sounds bad so we think we are mispronouncing the last name.
Don't know the ethnic background that's why I"m asking. When we say the last name it sounds bad so we think we are mispronouncing the last name.
It appears to be German, not at all common, and probably from a place name. There are places called R@pen and Rappen in Nothern Germany - as near to Rapien as I can find.
The pronunciation in German would be something like Rah-peen.
The pronunciation in German would be something like Rah-peen.
The @ in the first place name should be an 'a', but the spam filter wouldn't accept the name in that form.