[Surname] Re: Torrente
If this surname comes from Italy, There are man probabilities that it comes from the province of TRAPANI, in Western Sicily. Most probobly from the municipality of FAVIGNANA, the EGADI ISLAND, now a paradise for tourists.
This surnames comes probably from toponimy, though the origin from the italian word "torrente", in English "stream", "brook" seems to me uncertain.
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Torrente  ·  Lebeke  ·  9/18/2007, 1:39 PM
Re: Torrente  ·  Jim Young  ·  9/19/2007, 7:53 AM
Re: Torrente  ·  Lebeke  ·  9/20/2007, 6:40 PM
Re: Torrente  ·  Mino Sagani  ·  9/19/2007, 9:56 AM
Re: Torrente  ·  Lebeke  ·  9/20/2007, 6:50 PM