[Opinions] That Asterix really annoys me!
Asterix Rolf: * Rolf. And THAT IS NOT HOW IT IS SPELLED! It's the equivalent of "ax" for ask and "irregardless" for regardless. In other words: ignorant, uneducated.
Atticus Keller: Attica's Killer.
Blessing Kalala: Sounds like a big, messy sneeze.
Houston Dwaine: The dwains in Houston are all backed up since the wiver fwooded.
Michelle Alejandro: I know a boy named Michele, but it's not pronounced like the girl's name, not spelled like this, and his parents are originally from Italy.
Miliani Joseph-Eugene: Were they trying for a Hawaiian name? I have some friends who live in Mililani. Or where they trying for a "million" theme?
Saint Kable: The patron saint of Kable Broadkasting. Or iit's the Katholic Kable Channel.
Akita-Paciencia: A Passion for Akitas?
Angel Star: Because Angel Fire was already taken.
Artemis Billie: Talk about your mismatched combos.
Aura Tulip: I hear the ghost of Tiny Tim warbling away somewhere.
Bambi Sue: Yep, here she comes. Bambi Sue, in her Daisy Duke cutoffs and halter top full to hte brim, jiggling along to the truck stop to sling some hash.
Destiny Sky: Sounds like they've already planned to shoot her into space.
Dream True Leigh: Newsflash: people, she didn't get born because you dreamed of it.
Glorie Beth: Gloria is so pretty, why'd they do this to it, and stick Beth onto it?
Jasmine Violet: Both names are nice, but together they create such a powerful flower smell they're suffocating.
Moxie Ann: And her sister Chutzpah Lynn.
Surie Kathryn Bryanna: Damn Tom Cruise.
Venus Sky: Topless bar? Cheesy day sap?
Wonderful Joyanna: This name reminds me of this movie we watched in school, about some kids that made friends with a retarded boy and teamed up to show a prize steer or something. They let him name the animal and he called it Beautiful Mickey. This name is right in that same vein.