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[Opinions] Aoide?
I found Aoide relatively recently and find myself liking it more and more - it looks pretty, it sounds pretty, and it was the name of one of the proto-Muses, the muse of song. It's definitely into the "future reference" category, and to that end I'd love to know what people think of it. (I'm going with the prn. ey-EE-dee, btw.)Also, wdyt of:Aoide Antonia
Aoide Grace
Aoide Elizabeth
Aoide Victoria
Aoide Lucine
Aoide Roxanne
Aoide Clarissa
Aoide Felicity
Aoide Jeanette
Aoide GinevraCombo suggestions would be most welcome :)
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I really like Aoide, my favourites from your combos are:Aoide Elizabeth
Aoide Roxanne
Aoide Ginevra
Aoide GraceI also like Aoide Lauren, Aodie Natasha and Aoide Juliet.
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I've never heard it before, but I do think it's rather pretty. The only problem I see is that a girl with this name would have to be constantly explaining how to pronounce it when people see it written, and how to spell it when people hear it spoken. I think of your middle name choices, Aoide Victoria is best, but that's probably because Victoria is my favorite name ever. Aoide Grace is also nice.
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It *is * nice, but I, at least, would have no idea how to pronounce it, and a child would run into that, forever.
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I like it a lot, for the same reasons you do. I much prefer it for a middle name though, because it's so obscure and counterintuitively pronounced.I really like Aoide Lucine, Aoide Clarissa, and Aoide Ginevra out of yours. I think my old combos were Charlotte Aoide, Judith Aoide, and Frances Aoide.
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I like it. It has such a soft, melodic sound to it, and I love the meaning. It's beautiful.Out of your combos, I like Aoide Lucina, Aoide Felicity, and Aoide Victoria the best.
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Sorry, but I think it looks horrible, like a chemical compound or something. And the prn is unattractive too. I eatee, like a stereotypical Chinese person in some old book.
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I like it pronouncedAy-oh-dee
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that way is worse!It sounds eithe rlike coyote or like IUD.
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