I've decided to do another congrats but this time I will do it really simple.
You can add ages if you want to but you have to keep track of them yourself. In each round you will have namebanks to name your child(ren) from and I will roll a dice to see how many kids you will have each round and their genders.
It will also be multi generetions but I'm not sure how long I will continue.
If you miss a round you will not receive a child that round. Nobody will be dropped because they miss a round. You can sign up when you want and you can quit playing at any point.
To sign up just fill out this form nad choose names form the namebanks. No spelling changes.
Surnames: Kwok, Pajari, Rustici, Viteri, Zambrano, Alinari, Ayers, Carlisle, Suero, Winther, Kimball, Tracey, Vela, Ware, Wyatt
DH: Baldur, Eirikur, Haraldur, Hinrik, Hjörtur, Johann, Johannes, Jon, Jonas, Jonatan, Kristjan, Petur, Oskar, Sindri, Snorri, Tryggvi, Vilhjalmur
DW: Anna, Björk, Brynja, Frida, Gudrun, Hanna, Hildur, Hjördis, Johanna, Jona, Lara, Lilja, Maria, Svana, Sigrun, Valdis, Vigdis, Margret, Ragnhildur