We like Corvus, as long as we are assured that it will remain a mn. Also, we would like an assurance that they will not be tap, tap, tapping on our chamber doors. Most disheartening.
Corvus is better than Corvinus, less is more here. Even with Corvus, I had to shake my head out of "corpus" though. Not that many people would do that, or you'd care if they did. Just noting my initial reaction. Tacky 70's Corvette is the next image in my mind. But you shouldn't toss out Corvus just because I'm weird.
Edmond Corvus --
Edmond is too precious for robust Corvus.
Edmund Corvus matches better, but I know you don't care for
Nathaniel Pleasant is nice the way it is. I wouldn't alter it.
Simon Veritas is delightful.
Lucien Corvus -- I agree. This is your best Corvus combination here.
Bartholomew Corvus,
Julian Corvus,
Octavian Corvus,
Edgar Corvus (homage to Mr. Poe?),
Sterling Corvus (too birdy?),
Gideon Corvus,
Benedict Corvus?
Careful with the
Jim Crow allusions. One can become too clever for one's own good. Do not tempt the elements. Bad juju.
Thanks for a fun thread. :-)