[Surname] fantasy surnames
I need some surnames for a fantasy story I'm writing.
Can any one think of any?
Can any one think of any?
Here you have some: Caithla, Ogberd, Keflik, Garraic, Kurgana, Kurgan,Hjarfal,Thorla, Mandgard, Manrik, Vidar, Fryxle, Gimle, Skraila, Kjaur, Skirmantas, Gelvilks, Hrodjall, Pergalka, Arnfast, Khvost. I hope you like any. In that case I'd love to know which.
You could use Words and spel them different like: Warrior -> Waryor.
translate words in Scandinavian and/or Celtic languages or combine words to make new words.
translate words in Scandinavian and/or Celtic languages or combine words to make new words.
Where is your fantasy family from?