Hey all, I am still tallying/progressing with the combo contest. I've been super busy these past few days!
Orchid. Cassandra Grace Logan and Slgn4, you’ve missed 3 rounds and I’ve dropped you. Sorry!
This round, everyone is receiving two new spouses and two new children. I would say that three years have passed, you can adjust that how you like depending on the ages of your children.
Rules for names:It seemed to me that people liked what we did last round. I assigned everyone a person whose name bank they can use! To find which name bank you are to use: Find your name in the left column. Look at who is after the arrow and that is what player’s name bank you can use.
Ex: Acg233 looks for her name and finds it in the first column. She then looks after the dashes and sees she is to use Avalon's namebank.
RULES- Girls names can only be used on girls, and vice versa.
- FNs can only be used as FNs and MNs as MNs.
- Nicknames are ok
No spelling changes.
Families are in as a response to this message since the post is becoming larger and larger!
Acg233 -- Avalon
Anna Kate -- Wintertale
Avalon -- Oslin
Bex -- Scrapfan
BoiCrazii - Starshelle
Diamante04 -- Ladybug
DLB -- Quigonjecca
Dreamer22 -- Rubymay92
Estel -- Salsa
Flute -- Acg233
Gasoline Allie -- Jab2010
Genevieve -- Spartz
Gloria Rose -- Michal1234
Heidi Ann -- Keepskuh
Hola123 -- Keepskuh
Jab2010 -- DLB
JeanaBradbury -- GasolineAllie
Jj21jj -- Starshelle
Keepskuh -- Acg233
Kelsie -- Acg233
Kitty Anne -- Ladybug
Lorelei -- Diamante04
Ladybug -- Lorelei
Michal1234 -- Spartz
Miss_Smiley -- Ladybug
Nikki -- JeanaBradbury
Nursemom75 -- Kitty Anne
Octavia -- Wintertale
Oslin -- Genevieve
Quigonjecca -- Serel Channah
Rowena -- Hola123
Rubymay92 -- Lorelei
Salsa -- Whimsicalfaery
Scrap fan -- Whimsicalfaery
Serel Channah -- Oslin
Spartz -- Bex
Starshelle -- Starshelle
Tai Angel -- Miss_Smiley
Unagoodchild -- Rowena
Whimsicalfaery -- Gasoline Allie
Wintertale -- Gloria Rose
WorkingClassHero -- Salsa
Ashley -- Whimsicalfaery