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[Opinions] Shooter
I recently heard about a couple who wants to name their son Shooter. WDYT?
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Stupid imo! Why would you want to give this to someone as a name?:)
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It reminds of The Secret Window with Johnny Depp...especially in that last scene...creepy. but would never use for a kid.
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I'd assume people who named their child Shooter were likely Right-wing, redneck, uneducated hunters. (I'm not saying anyone who is redneck or Right-wing or a hunter is uneducated so please don't yell at me. :b) For lack of a better term, it would be a stupid name. lol
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Shooter, Like Shooter Jennings? maybe they're fans... odd but ok IF they are fans.
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could be a good sib to Murderinalolor Brutalina
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Well, of all the phallic, super-macho names à la Cutter and Gunner, this must be the worse.
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Oh noI know a sibset of three boys, two of them are named Cutter and Gunner (my teacher's kids). I'm afraid to ask the third ones name :(
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It sounds violent. It's like Jagger - not a good thing to be naming your kid.
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Ridiculous! That's what it is. Sometimes I wonder if parents even think about the fact that it's a human being they're naming not a mascot or a pet.
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I have to comment again--It's just so LAUGHABLEbwahahahahahaWhat if he was really nerdy and lispy? Thooter bwahahahahahaWhat an image.
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Ugh . . .Well, if that's not suggestive, then I don't know what is! Sounds like a cowboy/bartender/porn star guy.
I could see it as a nickname for a fast horse or something, but for a kid? Torture!
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one vowel variation away from...z
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Shouter? What?
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PG-13 ;PI think she means shitter.
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Thanks, I'm a bit slow at times. ;)
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Porn star? Pro athlete's nicnkname? Cowboy? Or a tequila shooter? Or like The DC Snipers, somebody that shoots random people? In short, a truly dumb name, like naming somebody, Serial Killer, or Ejaculator, or Slammer.
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LOL!"like naming somebody, Serial Killer, or Ejaculator, or Slammer."Couldn't have said it better myself!
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Lol, agree completely :)
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You forgot Movie VillianShooter McGavin from Happy Gilmore :P
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Like Shooter Jennings?I really dislike it. It has a negative vibe, the word "shoot" isn't exactly a good thing. It's like naming a kid Cutter (one of my teachers named her son Cutter), it just sounds violent.
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I agree.
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good for a porn starLMAO :-X
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LOL... and his brother is Rider
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And THAT is why Ryder is one of my biggest GPs!
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My first impression EXACTLY!
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Agreed. [nm]
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