[Facts] Re: There is a clear instruction about searching first on the posting screen. . .
Well I personally think the instructions on the posting page are more than adequate
They are as follows
IMPORTANT: If you are posting a question about the origin of a name please include as much information as possible. Most important are the gender and ethnic background.Please also
Before you ask a question about the origin of a name, please search for it to ensure it is not already in the database.
The words 'search for it' are clickable and take one straight to the search page
Many People are lazy, they think its too much trouble to look themselves, We live in a Macdonalds culture where everything is expected to be instant.
Many people dispite the above instructions dont bother to say if the name is male or female or to give any background info
Many even post on someone elses thread where the original poster has had it all explained to them in simple terms about doing a search
In many cases I bet they dont even bother to read the posting instructions
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