[Games] Elimination CAF Part 1
I haven't seen one of these for a while (although there's the possibilty one could be happening right under my nose and I just haven't noticed
;-))...basically, it's a normal elimination game, i.e. you take one name from each list and post the remaining names for the next person, only at the end, the last two names remaining are turned into a family member. Eventually, we'll end up with a family. ^ ^
Anyway, let's name the first family member: the DH. FNs are boys' names I like, MNs are boys' names I dislike and LNs are those of muscians I like. :-)
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Diamond, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Jordan, Lachlan, Lead, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Aubrey, Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Hunter, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus, Tristan
Last name:
Aday, Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Foreman, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Thompson, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
;-))...basically, it's a normal elimination game, i.e. you take one name from each list and post the remaining names for the next person, only at the end, the last two names remaining are turned into a family member. Eventually, we'll end up with a family. ^ ^
Anyway, let's name the first family member: the DH. FNs are boys' names I like, MNs are boys' names I dislike and LNs are those of muscians I like. :-)
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Diamond, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Jordan, Lachlan, Lead, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Aubrey, Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Hunter, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus, Tristan
Last name:
Aday, Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Foreman, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Thompson, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
This message was edited 9/26/2005, 10:45 AM
LOL, I had to look up their last names on Wikipedia. I love the band, but I have no idea what they're called. ;-)
- Maria
I really only know that offhand because on the Live in Los Angeles album there's a point where all of the band members are sort of announced. :-)
I think they're great.

I really only know that offhand because on the Live in Los Angeles album there's a point where all of the band members are sort of announced. :-)
I think they're great.

Me too - I kinda grew up listening to them, but I've never appreciated them til now. They remind me of London, so I'm bound to like them. ;-)
- Maria
Taking Diamond Aubrey Aday
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Jordan, Lachlan, Lead, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Hunter, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus, Tristan
Last name:
Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Foreman, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Thompson, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Jordan, Lachlan, Lead, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Hunter, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus, Tristan
Last name:
Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Foreman, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Thompson, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
Removing: Lead, Hunter, & Foreman
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Jordan, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus, Tristan
Last name:
Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Thompson, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Jordan, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus, Tristan
Last name:
Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Thompson, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
Eliminating Jordan Tristan Thompson
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
PPs in profile
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Reggie, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Bradley, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Barson, Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
PPs in profile
Taking Reggie Bradley Barson
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Eddie, Fiaz, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Ronnie
Middle name:
Augustus, Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Hayden, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Smyth, Twain, Wiseman, Woodgate
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
This message was edited 9/26/2005, 1:11 PM
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
Taking Eddie Hayden Wiseman
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Ronnie
Middle name:
Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Twain, , Woodgate
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
First name:
Andrew, Angus, Anthony, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Ronnie
Middle name:
Dylan, Ethan, Gabriel, Griffin, Harrison, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, Garland, McPherson, Reddick, Twain, , Woodgate
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
Taking Angus Gabriel Garland
First name:
Andrew, Anthony, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Ronnie
Middle name:
Dylan, Ethan, Griffin, Harrison, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, McPherson, Reddick, Twain, , Woodgate
The dreamers exhaust us, they must die before they kill us with their dreams
First name:
Andrew, Anthony, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray, Ronnie
Middle name:
Dylan, Ethan, Griffin, Harrison, Henry, Lucas, Oliver, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Burney, Chandler, Cole, McPherson, Reddick, Twain, , Woodgate
The dreamers exhaust us, they must die before they kill us with their dreams
Taking Ronnie Oliver Burney...
First name:
Andrew, Anthony, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray
Middle name:
Dylan, Ethan, Griffin, Harrison, Henry, Lucas, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Chandler, Cole, McPherson, Reddick, Twain, Woodgate

~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Janna Cristina Rose
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton
First name:
Andrew, Anthony, Francis, Jaret, Lachlan, Morgan, Ray
Middle name:
Dylan, Ethan, Griffin, Harrison, Henry, Lucas, Seamus
Last name:
Bedford, Chandler, Cole, McPherson, Reddick, Twain, Woodgate
~*~Jennifer Nicole~*~
Ariella Michelle Rene, Carrie Elisabeth Marie, Janna Cristina Rose
Conner Luis, Grant William, Jude Hamilton