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[Surname] roehm
I would like to know if this name is origianlly German or French. It is the maiden name of my husband's mother, and she told me it is French. But I have read about the Roehm massacre, a man named Roehm was the leader of Hitler's Brownshirts and Hitler had him and his followers killed.

Does this mean it is a German name? Was the spelling maybe changed from Rohm, with that little double dot symbol over the o, and to convert it to English an e was added? The name is currently pronounced Ree-um, not rome, in his family.
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roehm  ·  Linda White  ·  1/9/2004, 7:32 PM
Re: roehm  ·  Satu  ·  3/13/2004, 7:07 AM