The family so far:
Andrew LucasDW:
Louisa CarolineDD:
Ruby Faith
With their second daughter, Andrew and Louisa went a bit mad. They wanted to honour the fact that they met in a confectionary shop, so decided to use a sweet-related word for her middle name.
FN's are not really related, except that some of them are computer game characters. ^ ^
First Name:
Bridgette, Dorothy, Jaqueline, Jayne, Jennifer, Jessica, Lara, Leela, Lydia, Penelope, Sharon, Sherri, Sophia, Yasmin, Zanthia
Middle Name:
Aniseed, Candy, Caramel, Cherry, Chocolate, Coconut, Fudge, Hazelnut, Honey, Honeycomb, Marshmallow, Marzipan, Peppermint, Sugar, Toffee