Calliope Blackbird Rhinthon "Blackbird"
-Power: Zoopathic or the ability to communicate with animals
Warren Isaac Lochan "The Illusionist"(Verwarren is the Dutch word for confuse,
Isaac sounds like 'eye' and
Lochan means 'vision.")
-Power: Creating optical illusions
**Sorry, I got a bit carried away with the story!**
My best friend,
Ally, lives half way across the country, but it was her twentieth birthday, so when she invited me, I couldn't say no. So I loaded up what little stuff I had... including my hamster. (His name is
Frodo-- he likes his namesake. I let him watch Lord of the Rings one day... it went straight to his head. Now he wants a Chinchilla pal named
Sam. I don't know what I was thinking... )
Anyway, so I was on the plane, and
Frodo was in my purse, and there was this guy sitting across the aisle from me.
He was probably about my age-- give or take a few years. Strong build, dark, black hair and green eyes.
He kept looking out the window. Suddenly there was a flash of lightning.
"Did you see that?" I asked, looking over at him.
He shrugged. "Is there a storm rolling in?"
"No." The passenger in front of me answered. "Look outside-- no clouds."
And there weren't any. So the rest of the ride I was trying to figure out what exactly had happened. Eventually I just contributed it to faulty lighting or something.
Later, the next day, I was at my friend's birthday. She was like, "Hey, let's go down to the new restaurant on the corner for dinner."
So, as we're walking down the street there's a whole group of people just standing in the middle.
Ally and I went to see what was going on and—you’re not going to believe it—but the black-haired guy that was sitting across from me on the plane was doing magic tricks.
I watched for a while and was so… entranced that
Ally got tired of waiting. “I’m just going to go get us some burgers. I’ll be back in a half hour.”
I nodded, but didn’t really hear. Anyway, the show was done in a few minutes, and after much clapping, the crowd walked off and I was left just standing there.
Frodo was in my purse and was chatting away about needing a bigger bag… and that guy walked up to me.
“That was amazing.” I finally managed. “How do you do that?”
“A magician never gives away his secrets.”
He said mysteriously, winking in a friendly way.
Frodo started literally screeching for me to get him something to eat. Without thinking I swatted at my purse, and started chirruping back. “Shut up
Frodo! I’ll take you—no, not right now—Frodo!”
This guy looked at me kind of curiously. “Um…”
I blushed. “Sorry, it’s an old habit.” I let a very perturbed
Frodo peek out of my purse for a second. “I talk to him sometimes. This is
Frodo, my hamster.”
“Yeah, but…” he got this weird look. “You talk to your hamster—in hamstereese?”
He grinned.
“Actually,” I answered again, without thinking. “It’s Hamstermini. They get rather upset because everyone assumes it’s Hamstereese.”
He shook his head. “Uh… look, I’m glad you liked the show but… um… have you been to see a doctor lately? You’re kind of… forgive me, but you’re freaking me out.”
Defense was always my nature. I put my hands on my hips. “Excuse me mister “No-I-didn’t-see-that-lightning.”
His eyes widened. “Oh.” Then he kind of chuckled. “Yeah, I knew I had seen you somewhere.”
“I noticed you used the same trick this evening.” I arched an eyebrow. “How did you do it?”
“Sound effects.”
He answered quickly—too quickly.
“Where did you learn…” he scrunched up his face. “’Hamstermini?’”
“Oh,” I winked. Continuing flippantly, “I have superpowers.”
“Really?” Gosh, this guy couldn’t take sarcasm.
“So do I!” I guess he was too excited to stop talking, because he then relayed his entire childhood, and how he ran away from home to join a circus (so original, I thought) when he discovered how he had a knack for magical optical illusions.
He gave me his phone number and I walked away. I can’t believe I actually called him, but I did. We dated for about a year, and now we’re married.
We were talking, and he’s thought about the whole super hero thing too. I think we’re going to give it try. Our names will be Blackbird (Me, I guess I’ll wear black? It wasn’t my idea, it was his). And he’ll be The Illusionist (His idea again. I would have picked something better.)
We’re hoping to try a first mission in the next couple of days. I can’t wait.