I was reminded of this just now while searching the polls I've made. Quite a while back I created a poll asking about this name.
The reason I did so was that a few years ago I knew a woman whose then three-year-old daughter was named Azrael. The mom said she used it just because she thought it sounds beautiful.
Well, I'm none too fond of the sound. I don't like the initial syllable at all, but worse to me is the connotation. When I knew this woman, someone told me that Azrael was a demon, which I thought was bad. I just looked it up and discovered that Azrael wasn't a demon, but an angel who separated the soul from the body at the moment of death, and thus was known as the Angel of Death. That's just as bad as being a demon, I think. Also, he was a male, and this is listed as a male name.
Actually, I think it said that Azrael is a spelling variation of the original name, but same difference, I guess.
So I thought this was an unfortunate name choice for a little girl. What do you think?