[Opinions] Re: Azrael
The Angel of Death connotation is actually supposed to be positive-- Azrael doesn't KILL, he separates the soul from the body so it can go on. Which would probably be quite necessary to anyone who believes there's a life after death. I imagine it'd be uncool to spend your afterlife stuck in a corpse. I actually quite like the name, but not on a girl.
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Azrael  ·  queenv  ·  10/18/2008, 9:46 AM
Re: Azrael  ·  abbasdaughter  ·  10/19/2008, 3:35 AM
Re: Azrael  ·  Murasaki  ·  10/19/2008, 3:18 AM
Wasn't Azrael the name of the smurf's villian? - Oh, I see the answer below...  ·  AngieAngelique  ·  10/18/2008, 3:44 PM
Azrael was Gargamel´s cat /nt/  ·  Emilie007  ·  10/19/2008, 9:41 AM
Re: Azrael  ·  bananarama  ·  10/18/2008, 12:16 PM
Re: Azrael  ·  Eden Electra  ·  10/18/2008, 11:27 AM
I like it on a boy [m]  ·  Sabrina Fair  ·  10/18/2008, 11:14 AM
I like it for a boy, but I think it's unusable  ·  Mar  ·  10/18/2008, 10:34 AM
Ditto to all of that. nt  ·  Julia  ·  10/18/2008, 2:41 PM
Re: Azrael  ·  Rachel Shay  ·  10/18/2008, 10:33 AM
That's the name of the cat from "The Smurfs"nt  ·  MelvinSpelvin  ·  10/18/2008, 10:31 AM