I like it and I like the nickname Stasi (STAH-see).
I just realized that that is a lot like Stazi and that it wouldn't go over well in Germany LOL
You should know how it is perceived in Russia though (like how most americans see
Kaitlyn, but x10)
Eta: Also no one in Russia would call an
Anastasia Anya, btw. Counterintuitive.
Also: If you are worried about it being burdensome, it makes a
fab middle name. (Though it is much more special as a FN I know)
Edited again: Actually if I ever meet and befriend an
Anastasia I think I will call her Stazi a lot just to bug her
Edited again because I just realized I could
totally call all of the Stacies I know "Stazi."
This message was edited 11/13/2008, 10:48 PM