Amy Marguerite is 16 year old girl with a newborn daughter,
Sophia Tacey. Amy’s father walked out on her family when she was four, and her mother died when she was seven. She’s been in various foster homes since then. She doesn’t talk about who fathered her daughter, and we believe that
Sophia may be the product of an abusive relationship.
Amy would like to finish school, but isn’t sure about her future beyond that. She enjoys reading and singing (in private, she has no desire to perform), and during her pregnancy, she took to reading lots of cook books, so she’d like to learn how to cook.
Charles William “
Chuck” is a 9 year old boy, and his sister,
Pansy Elise, is 4 years old. They were found wandering the streets a few months ago, and their parents cannot be found.
Chuck has some difficulty hearing in one ear, but otherwise, the children seem healthy, but a bit shaken—we don’t know how long they were on the streets. Both of them like watching TV.
Chuck likes storytelling, and
Pansy likes puppets.
Noah Macaiden is 6 years old and was removed from his home (along with his little sister) because his parents were physically and emotionally abusive to them. His sister, Jaycee, 2, was adopted by another family (Note: Jaycee was adopted by Sugar).
Noah doesn’t trust adults because of his parent’s actions.
He likes being outside and climbing trees.
Please update us on how these kids are doing!