UN: bananarama
LN: Mariani
Enrico StefanoAge: 45
Occupation: Doctor
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: cooking, dancing, football (soccer)
Valentina IreneAge: 41
Occupation: Stay at home mom
Hobbies: cooking, playing with children, playing the violin
Current children: (names, ages, disabilities)
Natalia GiulianaAge: 17
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: music, writing, swimming
Lucilla MargheritaAge: 17
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: reading, dancing, eating
Others living with you: (names, ages, disabilities) none
Pets: a male cat named
Type: House
Location: Pescara. Italy
Land owned: Not much, but enough to include a small swimming pool.
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 2.5
Other: None
What is/are the household’s religion(s):
Roman Catholic
What language(s) do household members speak:
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to: All the time. We go to mostly Greece and Turkey, but also to Albania, Spain,
France, and North
How many children would you like to adopt: (4 max) 3
Gender(s): 3 boys
Age: (Newborn-17) One aged 13-16, two aged 6-9
Nationality: Italy, Greece, Turkey
Languages preference: Italian, Greek, Turkish
Religion preference:
Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Islam
Multiples: (Specify twins, triplets, quads) No
Will you accept:
--siblings: Yes
--neighbors: No
--friends: No
--children with pets (of what kind and gender): Yes, any small pets (but NO tarantulas)
--children with disabilities (of what kind and severity): Yes, any that is not life-threatening
--pregnant teen/teen mother: No
--baby’s father/teen father: Yes
Will you allow them to stay in contact with non-abusive parents/relatives? Of course!
Other: (Specific physical features, sexual orientation, etc.) Straight children only.