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I love Susanna and that is my prefered spelling. I also really like Susana. I don't think I know a Susanna (or a Susannah for that matter), but I did work with a Susana for a while. Of your combos I like:
Susanna Amandine
Susanna Amélie
Susanna Aurélie
Susanna Beatrice --love this
Susanna Beatrix --love this
Susanna Celestine
Susanna Charlotte --love this
Susanna Clare
Susanna Clementine --love this
Susanna Clothilde
Susanna Corisande
Susanna Delphine
Susanna Doris
Susanna Dorothy
Susanna Eloise
Susanna Emily
Susanna Ermengarde
Susanna Eulalie
Susanna Eve --love this
Susanna Florence
Susanna Josephine --love this
Susanna Léonie --love this
Susanna Léontine
Susanna Marcelline
Susanna Margaret --love this
Susanna Marguerite
Susanna Mary --love this
Susanna Mathilde --love this
Susanna Melisande
Susanna Miriam --love this
Susanna Pearl --love this
vote up1
I like either spelling. Very nice name.
Here are some of your combos I like:
Susanna Charlotte
Susanna Clarice
Susanna Clothilde
Susanna Evelyn
Susanna Marguerite
Susanna Mary
Susanna Mathilde
Susanna Miriam
Susanna Pearl
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I love Susanna and Susannah. I only know Susans and Suzannes. If Savannah can make an impact, I think the time for those eighteenth-century favourites, Susannah and Susanna, to do so is overdue.
Susanna is a little less cumbersome, perhaps, and I love you combo Susanna Beryl.
The beauty of Susanna actually brings out something unexpectedly and indefinably attractive in Beryl, and helps to rehabilitate it as a "jewel" name.
I also love Susanna Pearl - gorgeous.
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I love the name Susannah, and plan on using it as the name for my first girl child. Susanna is also nice, but I prefer Susannah. I have never met a Susannah, which adds to its appeal for me. The name sounds very sweet. Combos I like:
Susanna Amandine
Susanna Aurélie
Susanna Beatrice
Susanna Beatrix
Susanna Blythe
Susanna Cecily
Susanna Charlotte
Susanna Clare
Susanna Claribel
Susanna Clarimonde
Susanna Clementine
Susanna Delphine
Susanna Emeline
Susanna Margaret
Susanna Marguerite
Susanna Melisande
Susanna Miriam
Susanna Vivian
Susanna VivianeLovely combos! Though I would not personally use all of them, they are very beautiful.
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Susanna is one of my favourite names!
One of my best friends is Susanna Martina (usually called Sanna), and I know some other Susannas too.My favourites of your combos are:
Susanna Amandine
Susanna Beatrice
Susanna Cecily
Susanna Celestine
Susanna Eveline
Susanna Florence
Susanna Josephine
Susanna Léontine
Susanna Marcelline
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I've never met a Susanna or a Susannah. I prefer the latter spelling; it just seems more complete to me. I love the name Susannah. It's pretty without being frilly, has a great meaning, and sounds nice.Susanna Mabel
Susanna Mathilde
Susanna Florence
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I like it a lot but I prefer Susannah. I know a Susann and several older women named Susanne but no Susanna/hs.Susannah Cecily is my favorite
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