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[Facts] My first name
GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!I'm from Norway by the way.
did not find the actually meaning of my name..Helene.
I know from my childhood that my name means sunshine, and it's from greek mytologi.
Didin't find my correct name day either. Cause I live in Norway. Here I did find out that the French name day, for Hèlène is 18 August, and German, Helene is the same date for the french one. But here in Norway I have in May, 22 I think it is.., or 11, I'm not quite sure.
Everything is so confusing this day's....Hmmm..Mvh; Helene Jordnes
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Dear Helene,The official feast of your name is August 18. However, there are several more saints with your name, one of them May 22. I think you are confused because of that.
However, if you have to chose a feastday, its August 18 - that's the day of the Helenes (I'm Spanish, in my country your name is Elena) I meet!
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Hei Helene,The Danish name day for Helene is on May 21. I think you've got the same name days in Norway.Satu
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GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!I'm from Norway by the way.
did not find the actually meaning of my name..Helene.
I know from my childhood that my name means sunshine, and it's from greek mytologi.
Didin't find my correct name day either. Cause I live in Norway. Here I did find out that the French name day, for Hèlène is 18 August, and German, Helene is the same date for the french one. But here in Norway I have in May, 22 I think it is.., or 11, I'm not quite sure.
Everything is so confusing this day's....Hmmm..Mvh; Helene Jordnes
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The 'sunshine' meaning you were told as a child is one of several mistaken meanings of 'Helen' names (I was always told that my middle name, Ellen, the Scottish form of Helen, means 'light'). The suggested meanings of Helen here include 'torch' and 'moon' which may be where these misconceptions come from.The information in this site is well-researched and you can be fairly certain that it is correct. Sorry!
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