[Opinions] A HUGE pet peeve of mine...
by queenv (guest)
5/10/2009, 8:11 PM
is calling American pronunciation lazy. It is not "lazy", damn it! It's the American accent, and there is NOTHING inherently wrong with it. Americans don't pronounce T in the middle of a word as D because they're too "lazy" to do otherwise. They do it because that's what they've grown up hearing so, hey, that's what they do. You know what? I bet it's very hard for the British to pronounce the T as a D sound. It's probably easier for them to say it as a T. Does this mean they're "lazy"? No, it means they say it that way because that's what they grew up hearing!
About the Etta thing, I think that if you're going to expect the Americans with whom you live to speak like the British, you should give it up.