[Games] Re: Dream Family Congrats 3
in reply to a message by Bex
LN: Sullivan
DW: Mallory Cate
DH: Leo Remus
DS/DS: Sirius Echuu/Severus Eomer
DD: Gizem Ayla Alannah
Sirius, Severus and I were taking a walk through the park one day just after their fourth birthday. As the boys were running about in the leaves and tossing acorns, I began to hear a very eerie rendition of rock-a-bye baby playing somewhere. I glanced around trying to figure out where the tune was coming from, but couldn't see anything. Just as the final notes rang out, I looked up to see huge wooden box falling from the tree right above me. It hit the sidewalk with a thud, splitting open. Sev and Siri ran over to see what had happened. As we walked closer I could see that it was not a box, but a cradle, complete with a cooing baby inside!
The police investigated for months, but to no avail, the mystery was never solved nor did they find the guardian of the baby. Leo and I took it as a sign and adopted said cooing baby into our lives. We named her Gizem Ayla Alannah, which roughly means, O mystery oak tree child.
Ok, thats as creative as I get folks.
Your eyes, your smile, made my little life worthwhile. The sky was a lot more blue when I was on top of you.
Fudge, Packer?
Cannibal! The Musical
Cute! Love the name because of the meaning!...
♥ Tar

November is National Adoption Month!
♥ Tar

November is National Adoption Month!