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[Surname] wondering about last name koonce
hello, i was wondering about the last name koonce. thanks for any help!
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thank you very much!
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You're welcome :)
I tried to figure out if Cunitz/Kunitz is related to Kuntz, but I can't find any meaning for it, just the toponym Kunitzburg... (Kuntz on the other hand means 'Little Konrad'). Does anyone know the meaning of Kunitz?
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I do have some information at home on the Family name, from Germany.
My Dad says that the family fisrt spelled the name Kunitz. Settled down around the Gulf Coast, there was a falling out and some went up to the upper midwest and changed the spelling to Cunitz. How true that is I don't know. Like I said I have some information at home on the German meaning of it.
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