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[Facts] Re: what is the equivalent writing of sanskrit name SYON in devnagari
Well I saw those links before and I was not convinced with the devnagari script. Because it was mentioned that "Syon" or "Syona" (I understood that "a" is slient) is called see-own-a and e-own has to be pronounced quickly. Then it should be written सीयोन right?What do you say?Thanks,P.S: I would love to see in a sanskrit text to understand the real meaning, but it seems very difficult to find.
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My fault in that description: I was not clear. The word is definitely स्योन in the standard pronounciation. The -a could be silent in Hindi today, but definitely not in Sanskrit. It is a common adjective, so I do not know which Sanskrit document you want. Here are some examples from the Rgveda whose electronic text is easy to find.स्यो॒ना पृ॑थिवि भवानृक्ष॒रा नि॒वेश॑नी। यच्छा॑ न॒ः शर्म॑ स॒प्रथ॑ः॥ १.०२२.१५
र॒यिं दि॑वो दुहितरो विभा॒तीः प्र॒जाव॑न्तं यच्छता॒स्मासु॑ देवीः।
स्यो॒नादा व॑ः प्रति॒बुध्य॑मानाः सु॒वीर्य॑स्य॒ पत॑यः स्याम॥ ४.०५१.१०
यस्मै॒ त्वं सु॒कृते॑ जातवेद उ लो॒कम॑ग्ने कृ॒णव॑ः स्यो॒नम्।

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