[Facts] Re: Lucia?
in reply to a message by JHK
Lucia is indeed pronounced Loo-CHEE-ah in Italian. It's occasionally pronounced LOO-cha as well if you want it to be the female form of Lucio, but then it's got a stress on the u so that people don't pronounce it Loo-CHEE-ah.The overall rule is that c followed by the letters a, o and u is pronounced "k" so you put a mute "i" to make the "ch" sound. So I suppose Lucia is the exception here, at the moment I can't think of other words containt c+i+a/o/u where the "i" isn't mute. Photobucket
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Lucio?  ·  -Violetta Lavender-  ·  10/23/2009, 2:01 PM
Re: Lucio?  ·  Murasaki  ·  10/24/2009, 4:02 AM
Lucia?  ·  JHK  ·  10/24/2009, 9:23 AM
Re: Lucia?  ·  Murasaki  ·  10/24/2009, 1:25 PM
Thank you! nt  ·  JHK  ·  10/24/2009, 1:33 PM
Re: Lucio?  ·  -Violetta Lavender-  ·  10/24/2009, 6:39 AM