Tippy is cute as a nn. Since Tip is traditionally a boy's nn for
Thomas, Thomasine /
Thomasina /
Tamsin immediately came to mind as a formal name for Tippy.
Other possible choices:
Tiffany /
TheophaniaTziporahXanthippeMatilda PearlOttilie PearlAny combination that gives you "T.P." as the initials
PatienceAgrippina (grip --> trip --> tippy?)
Tipperary (which might not seem so crazy if you've got ancestors from
PatriciaTrinity /
TrinidadPhiladelphia (pip --> tip --tippy?)
Granted, most of these are stretching. But for me nns have always had a loose relationship with the formal name. I'm strict when it comes to the formal name being spelled *correctly,* having history, etc. But the nn is the place to show creativity, affection, etc. So
Patricia, nn Tippy, makes perfect sense to me.
Aw, my father's nn for me was Tiggers. I've thrown around the idea of
Antigone, nn Tiggers, before. So
Antigone, nn Tiggy, really makes me smile.
Thanks. This was a fun exercise of my brain early in the day. :-) Is there anything that you could use here? Sorry for any repeats.