[Games] 20 Questions CAF
I did this one last time and I had a great time doing it so I thought I would make one for all to do now.
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
The Mountains-- FN Greek Mythology, MN starts with O
Beachhouse on the West Coast-- FN popular, MN Scottish
South of the Equator-- FN Use the Name Generator and choose Icelandic MN 2 of them start with J E
The Flat Plains-- 2 FN start with C A MN German that starts with A
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
Teacher-- FN is Dutch MN starts with B
Nurse-- FN starts with K MN is from Irish Mythology
Congress-- FN is Biblical MN is French
HouseWife-- FN is from the 1900's you have 2 MN's that are HillBilly
3)Your first child(s)
What do you prefer:
A strong, silent male role model-- Twin Boys FN start with G MN's are from Greek and start with E
An in your face man willing to fight anyone at anytime in your honor-- Girl FN start with J and MN start with E
The hardly home workaholic-- Triplet Boys Their names should all mean strong for FNs MNs should mean Leader
Laid back nothing makes me mad-- Twin Girls FN meaning Soft and MN meaning a type of Flower
4)Second child
Are you a
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
Veggies all the way-- Girl FN should be vibrant MN start with M
Do you
Like hiking Cat
Jogging Dog
Dancing Exotic
Contact Sports Bird
6)Third Child
Do you like
Horror movies-- Twin Girls you pick the names
Romance -- Boy FN must be Swedish MN must be English
Sci-Fi-- Girl FN must mean water MN must mean Royalty
Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names
7)Adopted Boy from
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick
Germany-- FN must be Old German MN start with N
Russia-- FN must be Russian and MN must be Russian start with I
China-- FN must be oriental in origin and MN you pick
8)Next Child
If you could be any one of these which would it be
George W Bush-- Triplet Girls you pick the names but MN must tie together
NASCAR Racer Jeff Gordon-- Boy FN must come from one of the Harry Potter Books MN must start with B
Emeril Lagasse-- Girl FN must be from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and MN must mean Light
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
Your level of education-- Horses you pick the # and gender and names
The number of people you have been involved with-- Snake name means Evil
Your first date--Dog small breed Name must mean firey
Your medical conditions if any--cat you pick how many and give them magical names
10)Family member that lives with you
What is your favorite food
Home cooked meal --Granny you name her
Fast Food-- lazy bum uncle FN is Finnish MN is Greek
Asian-- Cousin home from jail His name means lazy MN start with Y
Greek-- Granny's ashes in an urn... you name her
11)Homeless from the Church
What do you claim as a Religion
Baptist-- the name should be Biblical and popular
Catholic-- FN should be classic Roman MN should mean Lonely or Love
Methodist--FN should be classic 1950's MN should mean "Peril"
Wiccan/Natural/Other-- FN should be Earthy and strong MN Astrological
12)Adoption from the city orphan home
You are usually
Quiet and laid back-- adopt a boy and girl not twins their names should be ethnic
rowdy and loud-- adopt a girl FN is American and popular with the kids now MN means Green
13Adopt a pet week at the local shelter
You tend to anger easily
Yes adopt a cat
No adopt a dot
name them what you like
14)Newborn in the house
You feel lucky most days
Yes -- triplets you pick name and gender
Sometimes--quads you pick name and genders
No lucky-- boy
15)Moving into another house
if you could pick one of these which would it be
Boston Brownstone-- save a cat from drowning get name in paper
Texas Ranch--son gets science fair award
Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
16)Make room for husbands family member
which car would you rather drive
Ford Mustang 05-- estranged sister who thinks the Aliens are chasing her... FN means Sun MN starts with R
Dodge Durango-- your cousin from up north you name him
17)Funeral to go to
If you could choose one thing to eat all the time and never gain weight from it ....
Srawberry Cheesecake---Uncle you name
Hot Fudge Sundae--crazy Aunt in the loony bin you name her
18)Kids bring home lost animal
if you could write a novel which kind would it be
Christian Fiction--- puppy
Horror-- rodent
Romance-- Cat and her kittens all 7 of them
Non-Fiction-- spider--eeeewww
you name them
19 Town awards you mom of the year
what do you think you would choose
A day at a spa--
treated like a queen for a day--
year supply of groceries from local market
20)Last child born
if you found a bag of money on the ground would you turn it in
Yes-- G/G/B--- FN all start with H
No-- B/B-- FN must all start with C MN must be L
Have Fun
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
The Mountains-- FN Greek Mythology, MN starts with O
Beachhouse on the West Coast-- FN popular, MN Scottish
South of the Equator-- FN Use the Name Generator and choose Icelandic MN 2 of them start with J E
The Flat Plains-- 2 FN start with C A MN German that starts with A
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
Teacher-- FN is Dutch MN starts with B
Nurse-- FN starts with K MN is from Irish Mythology
Congress-- FN is Biblical MN is French
HouseWife-- FN is from the 1900's you have 2 MN's that are HillBilly
3)Your first child(s)
What do you prefer:
A strong, silent male role model-- Twin Boys FN start with G MN's are from Greek and start with E
An in your face man willing to fight anyone at anytime in your honor-- Girl FN start with J and MN start with E
The hardly home workaholic-- Triplet Boys Their names should all mean strong for FNs MNs should mean Leader
Laid back nothing makes me mad-- Twin Girls FN meaning Soft and MN meaning a type of Flower
4)Second child
Are you a
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
Veggies all the way-- Girl FN should be vibrant MN start with M
Do you
Like hiking Cat
Jogging Dog
Dancing Exotic
Contact Sports Bird
6)Third Child
Do you like
Horror movies-- Twin Girls you pick the names
Romance -- Boy FN must be Swedish MN must be English
Sci-Fi-- Girl FN must mean water MN must mean Royalty
Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names
7)Adopted Boy from
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick
Germany-- FN must be Old German MN start with N
Russia-- FN must be Russian and MN must be Russian start with I
China-- FN must be oriental in origin and MN you pick
8)Next Child
If you could be any one of these which would it be
George W Bush-- Triplet Girls you pick the names but MN must tie together
NASCAR Racer Jeff Gordon-- Boy FN must come from one of the Harry Potter Books MN must start with B
Emeril Lagasse-- Girl FN must be from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and MN must mean Light
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
Your level of education-- Horses you pick the # and gender and names
The number of people you have been involved with-- Snake name means Evil
Your first date--Dog small breed Name must mean firey
Your medical conditions if any--cat you pick how many and give them magical names
10)Family member that lives with you
What is your favorite food
Home cooked meal --Granny you name her
Fast Food-- lazy bum uncle FN is Finnish MN is Greek
Asian-- Cousin home from jail His name means lazy MN start with Y
Greek-- Granny's ashes in an urn... you name her
11)Homeless from the Church
What do you claim as a Religion
Baptist-- the name should be Biblical and popular
Catholic-- FN should be classic Roman MN should mean Lonely or Love
Methodist--FN should be classic 1950's MN should mean "Peril"
Wiccan/Natural/Other-- FN should be Earthy and strong MN Astrological
12)Adoption from the city orphan home
You are usually
Quiet and laid back-- adopt a boy and girl not twins their names should be ethnic
rowdy and loud-- adopt a girl FN is American and popular with the kids now MN means Green
13Adopt a pet week at the local shelter
You tend to anger easily
Yes adopt a cat
No adopt a dot
name them what you like
14)Newborn in the house
You feel lucky most days
Yes -- triplets you pick name and gender
Sometimes--quads you pick name and genders
No lucky-- boy
15)Moving into another house
if you could pick one of these which would it be
Boston Brownstone-- save a cat from drowning get name in paper
Texas Ranch--son gets science fair award
Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
16)Make room for husbands family member
which car would you rather drive
Ford Mustang 05-- estranged sister who thinks the Aliens are chasing her... FN means Sun MN starts with R
Dodge Durango-- your cousin from up north you name him
17)Funeral to go to
If you could choose one thing to eat all the time and never gain weight from it ....
Srawberry Cheesecake---Uncle you name
Hot Fudge Sundae--crazy Aunt in the loony bin you name her
18)Kids bring home lost animal
if you could write a novel which kind would it be
Christian Fiction--- puppy
Horror-- rodent
Romance-- Cat and her kittens all 7 of them
Non-Fiction-- spider--eeeewww
you name them
19 Town awards you mom of the year
what do you think you would choose
A day at a spa--
treated like a queen for a day--
year supply of groceries from local market
20)Last child born
if you found a bag of money on the ground would you turn it in
Yes-- G/G/B--- FN all start with H
No-- B/B-- FN must all start with C MN must be L
Have Fun
1)DH: Castor Orion
2)DW: Alice Rae Anne
3)DS/DS: Greyson Evander & Greer Elias
4)DS: Ashley Philip
6)DS/DS: Miles Nicholas & Dmitri William
7)DAS: Aidan James
8)DS: Harry Benjamin
12)DAS: Dante Antonio /// DAD: Bianca Angelina
14)DS/DD/DD/DS: Simon George, Helena Alice, Claudia Roselie & Barrett Alexander
20)DS/DS: Casey Laurence & Chandler Luke
5)Dcat: Herman
9)DHorses: Lily, Starshine & Silverdust(m)
13)Ddog: Dwight
18)DCat: Chloe & 7kittens: Flora, Honey, Sparkle, Emma, Stone, Bubba & Sunny
10)DGranny: Helen Rose
16)cousin from up north: Aaron Christopher
17)Funeral: crazy Aunt Mary Claire
11)Homeless from the Church: Regina Love
15)Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
19) year supply of groceries from local market
2)DW: Alice Rae Anne
3)DS/DS: Greyson Evander & Greer Elias
4)DS: Ashley Philip
6)DS/DS: Miles Nicholas & Dmitri William
7)DAS: Aidan James
8)DS: Harry Benjamin
12)DAS: Dante Antonio /// DAD: Bianca Angelina
14)DS/DD/DD/DS: Simon George, Helena Alice, Claudia Roselie & Barrett Alexander
20)DS/DS: Casey Laurence & Chandler Luke
5)Dcat: Herman
9)DHorses: Lily, Starshine & Silverdust(m)
13)Ddog: Dwight
18)DCat: Chloe & 7kittens: Flora, Honey, Sparkle, Emma, Stone, Bubba & Sunny
10)DGranny: Helen Rose
16)cousin from up north: Aaron Christopher
17)Funeral: crazy Aunt Mary Claire
11)Homeless from the Church: Regina Love
15)Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
19) year supply of groceries from local market
1)DH: Joseph Aidan
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
Beachhouse on the West Coast-- FN popular, MN Scottish
2)DW: Alice Ellie May
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
HouseWife-- FN is from the 1900's you have 2 MN's that are HillBilly
3)Your first child(s): Josephine Evelyn "Joey"
What do you prefer:
An in your face man willing to fight anyone at anytime in your honor-- Girl FN start with J and MN start with E
4)Second child: Anakin Pacey
Are you a
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
5)Pet: monkey named Jasper Reginald
Do you
Dancing Exotic
6)Third Child: Wyatt Samuel and Chandler Owen
Do you like
Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names
7)Adopted Boy from: Aleksei Isaak
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Russia-- FN must be Russian and MN must be Russian start with I
8)Next Child: Elias Henry and Felicity Lorelei
If you could be any one of these which would it be
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
9)Pet: pug named Seraphina Joy
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
Your first date--Dog small breed Name must mean firey
10)Family member that lives with you: Eloise Francesca
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
Beachhouse on the West Coast-- FN popular, MN Scottish
2)DW: Alice Ellie May
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
HouseWife-- FN is from the 1900's you have 2 MN's that are HillBilly
3)Your first child(s): Josephine Evelyn "Joey"
What do you prefer:
An in your face man willing to fight anyone at anytime in your honor-- Girl FN start with J and MN start with E
4)Second child: Anakin Pacey
Are you a
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
5)Pet: monkey named Jasper Reginald
Do you
Dancing Exotic
6)Third Child: Wyatt Samuel and Chandler Owen
Do you like
Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names
7)Adopted Boy from: Aleksei Isaak
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Russia-- FN must be Russian and MN must be Russian start with I
8)Next Child: Elias Henry and Felicity Lorelei
If you could be any one of these which would it be
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
9)Pet: pug named Seraphina Joy
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
Your first date--Dog small breed Name must mean firey
10)Family member that lives with you: Eloise Francesca
1. DH: Damon Oscar
2. DW: Margaret Betsy
3. DD/DD: Linda Rose and Lamis Jasmine
4. DS: Andrew Peregrine
5. Cat: Huckleberry
6. DD: Ashera Reina
7. DS: Alastar Steven
8. DD/DS: Vincent Rhys and Catriona Ann
9. 1 black mare
10. DGma: Anna Mae
11. DD: Avani Celeste
12. DD/DS: Brendan Todd and Sarah Emma
13. Cat: Sawyer
14. DS/DS/DD/DS: Jared Daniel, Mahonrimoriancumer, Aisling Branwen, and Joshua Lawrence
15. DH gets promoted
16. DH's sis: Eloise Rebecca
17. Funeral of Uncle Bubba Thomas
18. Puppy: Marshmallow
19. SPA!
20. DS/DS: Ethan Joel and Luke Elijah
Finally done!
2. DW: Margaret Betsy
3. DD/DD: Linda Rose and Lamis Jasmine
4. DS: Andrew Peregrine
5. Cat: Huckleberry
6. DD: Ashera Reina
7. DS: Alastar Steven
8. DD/DS: Vincent Rhys and Catriona Ann
9. 1 black mare
10. DGma: Anna Mae
11. DD: Avani Celeste
12. DD/DS: Brendan Todd and Sarah Emma
13. Cat: Sawyer
14. DS/DS/DD/DS: Jared Daniel, Mahonrimoriancumer, Aisling Branwen, and Joshua Lawrence
15. DH gets promoted
16. DH's sis: Eloise Rebecca
17. Funeral of Uncle Bubba Thomas
18. Puppy: Marshmallow
19. SPA!
20. DS/DS: Ethan Joel and Luke Elijah
Finally done!
DH: (the mountains) Priam Oliver
DW: (teacher) Juliana Brittany
(strong, silent role model) DS/DS: Gregory Evangelos / Geoffrey Elias
(meat and potato) DS: Aaron Paul
(contact sports) DBird: Cody (a yellow canary)
(romance) DS: Hans Joseph
AS: (russia) Nikolai Ilari
(George W. Bush) DD/DD/DD: Delaney Faith / Paige Hope / Amanda Grace
(home cooked meal) DGrandmother: Henrietta Isabelle "Hattie"
(Baptist) Dwoman: Sarah Delilah
(quiet and laid back) AS: Mosi Omar
AD: Malaika July
(no) DDog: Friday (a black/white border collie)
(yes) DS/DS/DD: Shane Alexander / William Jonathan / Marina Elizabeth
(cottage in mountains): Priam gets a promotion!
(Mustang) DSister-in-law: Eliane Roberta
(Strawberry Cheesecake) DUncle who died: Thomas Sebastian
(Christian Fiction) DPuppy: Red (light brown mixed breed)
DW: (teacher) Juliana Brittany
(strong, silent role model) DS/DS: Gregory Evangelos / Geoffrey Elias
(meat and potato) DS: Aaron Paul
(contact sports) DBird: Cody (a yellow canary)
(romance) DS: Hans Joseph
AS: (russia) Nikolai Ilari
(George W. Bush) DD/DD/DD: Delaney Faith / Paige Hope / Amanda Grace
(home cooked meal) DGrandmother: Henrietta Isabelle "Hattie"
(Baptist) Dwoman: Sarah Delilah
(quiet and laid back) AS: Mosi Omar
AD: Malaika July
(no) DDog: Friday (a black/white border collie)
(yes) DS/DS/DD: Shane Alexander / William Jonathan / Marina Elizabeth
(cottage in mountains): Priam gets a promotion!
(Mustang) DSister-in-law: Eliane Roberta
(Strawberry Cheesecake) DUncle who died: Thomas Sebastian
(Christian Fiction) DPuppy: Red (light brown mixed breed)
This message was edited 11/27/2005, 4:27 PM
Here's a little family history!
1)DH: Evander Oliver "Evan"
(What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in? The Mountains)
2)DW: Emma Dolly-Rae Peggy
(If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be? HouseWife)
3)DS/DS: Garrett Evangelos & Grayson Emmanouil
(What do you prefer: A strong, silent male role model)
4)DS: Aric Patrick
(Are you a Meat and potato person)
5)DCat: Brylie (black striped female)
(Do you Like - Hiking)
6) DS/DS: Joshua Ryan / Rowan Jared
(Do you like - Comedy)
7) DS: Aidan Alexander
Adopted Boy from Which place would you pick to vacation at Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick
8) Arwen Lucina
(If you could be any one of these which would it be Emeril Lagasse)
9) DHorses: Spider & Kit (black boy & dappled girl)
(If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be Your level of education)
10) Dgranny: Alice Elizabeth
(What is your favorite food Home cooked meal)
11)DHomeless: Hannah Grace
(What do you claim as a Religion: Baptist)
12) Adoption
DS(Adopted): Kiran Jaidev
DD(Adopted): Deepti Devika
You are usually Quiet and laid back (their family is Indian)
13) DDog: Lolly (female collie)
1)DH: Evander Oliver "Evan"
(What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in? The Mountains)
2)DW: Emma Dolly-Rae Peggy
(If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be? HouseWife)
3)DS/DS: Garrett Evangelos & Grayson Emmanouil
(What do you prefer: A strong, silent male role model)
4)DS: Aric Patrick
(Are you a Meat and potato person)
5)DCat: Brylie (black striped female)
(Do you Like - Hiking)
6) DS/DS: Joshua Ryan / Rowan Jared
(Do you like - Comedy)
7) DS: Aidan Alexander
Adopted Boy from Which place would you pick to vacation at Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick
8) Arwen Lucina
(If you could be any one of these which would it be Emeril Lagasse)
9) DHorses: Spider & Kit (black boy & dappled girl)
(If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be Your level of education)
10) Dgranny: Alice Elizabeth
(What is your favorite food Home cooked meal)
11)DHomeless: Hannah Grace
(What do you claim as a Religion: Baptist)
12) Adoption
DS(Adopted): Kiran Jaidev
DD(Adopted): Deepti Devika
You are usually Quiet and laid back (their family is Indian)
13) DDog: Lolly (female collie)
1)DH: Charles Avery Austin
The Flat Plains-- 2 FN start with C A MN German that starts with A
2)DW: Dorothea Beatrice
Teacher-- FN is Dutch MN starts with B
3)DS/DS: Garrett Elias / Gable Evangelos
A strong, silent male role model-- Twin Boys FN start with G MN's are from Greek and start with E
4)DS: Austin Patrick
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
5)DPig: Amaryllis
Dancing Exotic
6)DS: Enok Sandford
Romance -- Boy FN must be Swedish MN must be English
7)AS: Henning Nicholas
Germany-- FN must be Old German MN start with N
8)DS/DD: Sebastian Avery / Lucy Eileen
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
9)DDog: Nina
Your first date--Dog small breed Name must mean firey
10)Granny: Elizabeth Marie
Home cooked meal --Granny you name her
11)Matthew Paul
Baptist-- the name should be Biblical and popular
12)AS: Reece Llewellyn & AD: Bethan Angharad
Quiet and laid back-- adopt a boy and girl not twins their names should be ethnic
13)DCat: Maggie
Yes adopt a cat
14)DD/DD/DS: Caroline Elizabeth / Charlotte Marie / Charles Avery
The Flat Plains-- 2 FN start with C A MN German that starts with A
2)DW: Dorothea Beatrice
Teacher-- FN is Dutch MN starts with B
3)DS/DS: Garrett Elias / Gable Evangelos
A strong, silent male role model-- Twin Boys FN start with G MN's are from Greek and start with E
4)DS: Austin Patrick
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
5)DPig: Amaryllis
Dancing Exotic
6)DS: Enok Sandford
Romance -- Boy FN must be Swedish MN must be English
7)AS: Henning Nicholas
Germany-- FN must be Old German MN start with N
8)DS/DD: Sebastian Avery / Lucy Eileen
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
9)DDog: Nina
Your first date--Dog small breed Name must mean firey
10)Granny: Elizabeth Marie
Home cooked meal --Granny you name her
11)Matthew Paul
Baptist-- the name should be Biblical and popular
12)AS: Reece Llewellyn & AD: Bethan Angharad
Quiet and laid back-- adopt a boy and girl not twins their names should be ethnic
13)DCat: Maggie
Yes adopt a cat
14)DD/DD/DS: Caroline Elizabeth / Charlotte Marie / Charles Avery
1)DH: Boulos Jakob Elov
2)DW: Gisela Belle
3)DD/DD: Belinda May/Rosalind Iris
4)DD: Saphira Marelle
6)DS/DS: Caleb Maddox/ Lucius Cross
7)AS: Cody Jackson
8)DS/DD: Felix James/ Fiona Lynn
10)Cousin: Almos Yves
11)Homeless from the Church: Cleveland Orion
12)AS & AD: Diego Rainerio & Paloma Gertrudis
14)DD/DD/DS/DS: Lena Katheryn/ Jessica Eve/ William Henry/ Nathaniel Richard
20)DD/DD/DS: Holly Jane/ Heather Laryn/ Harrison Alec
15)Moving into another house
Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
16) Estranged sister who thinks the Aliens are chasing her:
Sunshine Rae
17) Funeral to go to -- crazy Aunt in the loony bin: Elfreda Lee "Auntie Elfy"
19) Town awards you mom of the year
what do you think you would choose?
A day at a spa
5)Pet Iguana: Izzy
9)Pet Snake: Salazar
13)Cat: Tibbles
18)Kids bring home lost cat and her 7 kittens:
Abraham "Abe"
Theodore "Teddy"
2)DW: Gisela Belle
3)DD/DD: Belinda May/Rosalind Iris
4)DD: Saphira Marelle
6)DS/DS: Caleb Maddox/ Lucius Cross
7)AS: Cody Jackson
8)DS/DD: Felix James/ Fiona Lynn
10)Cousin: Almos Yves
11)Homeless from the Church: Cleveland Orion
12)AS & AD: Diego Rainerio & Paloma Gertrudis
14)DD/DD/DS/DS: Lena Katheryn/ Jessica Eve/ William Henry/ Nathaniel Richard
20)DD/DD/DS: Holly Jane/ Heather Laryn/ Harrison Alec
15)Moving into another house
Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
16) Estranged sister who thinks the Aliens are chasing her:
Sunshine Rae
17) Funeral to go to -- crazy Aunt in the loony bin: Elfreda Lee "Auntie Elfy"
19) Town awards you mom of the year
what do you think you would choose?
A day at a spa
5)Pet Iguana: Izzy
9)Pet Snake: Salazar
13)Cat: Tibbles
18)Kids bring home lost cat and her 7 kittens:
Abraham "Abe"
Theodore "Teddy"
1)DH: Jacob Alan "Jake"
2)DW: Juliana Brigid "Julie"
3)DD:/DD: Rosalind Amaryllis and Belinda Iolanthe "Rosie and Lindy"
4)DD: Scarlett Marianna
5)DPet: Cupcake the Exotic Bird
6)DD:/DD: Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
7)DS: (Adopted) Aidan Oliver
8)DS:/DD: Noah Benjamin and Natalie Catherine
9)DPet: Bastet the Yorkie
10)DGranny: Sheila Margaret
11)Homeless from the church: Gaia Bellatrix
12)DD:(Adopted)Abigail Chloe "Abby"
13)Pet: Caleb the Golden Retriever
14)DS:/DD:/DD:/DS: Evan Robert, Isabel Emily, Sarai London, and Connor Matthew
15)Move into the Boston Brownstone
16)DCousin: Alexander Matthew Robert Cornelious McFee
17)Attend Funeral of Greta Anne
18)Pet: Cat and seven kittens
19 Mom of the year! Free groceries all year.
20)DD:/DD:/DS: Hailey Sarah, Hannah Charlotte, and Harry Daniel
Jake and Julie
Rosie, Lindy, Scarlett, Lilah, Emma, Aidan, Noah, Natalie, Abby, Evan, Isabel, Sarai, Connor, Hailey, Hannah, and Harry
Granny Sheila
Church member Gaia
Cousin Alexander
Funeral of Greta
Pets Cupcake, Bastet, Caleb, Grettie, Katie, Peter, Sampson, Nate, Jordy, Mikey, George
Wow. That was fun!

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin
2)DW: Juliana Brigid "Julie"
3)DD:/DD: Rosalind Amaryllis and Belinda Iolanthe "Rosie and Lindy"
4)DD: Scarlett Marianna
5)DPet: Cupcake the Exotic Bird
6)DD:/DD: Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
7)DS: (Adopted) Aidan Oliver
8)DS:/DD: Noah Benjamin and Natalie Catherine
9)DPet: Bastet the Yorkie
10)DGranny: Sheila Margaret
11)Homeless from the church: Gaia Bellatrix
12)DD:(Adopted)Abigail Chloe "Abby"
13)Pet: Caleb the Golden Retriever
14)DS:/DD:/DD:/DS: Evan Robert, Isabel Emily, Sarai London, and Connor Matthew
15)Move into the Boston Brownstone
16)DCousin: Alexander Matthew Robert Cornelious McFee
17)Attend Funeral of Greta Anne
18)Pet: Cat and seven kittens
19 Mom of the year! Free groceries all year.
20)DD:/DD:/DS: Hailey Sarah, Hannah Charlotte, and Harry Daniel
Jake and Julie
Rosie, Lindy, Scarlett, Lilah, Emma, Aidan, Noah, Natalie, Abby, Evan, Isabel, Sarai, Connor, Hailey, Hannah, and Harry
Granny Sheila
Church member Gaia
Cousin Alexander
Funeral of Greta
Pets Cupcake, Bastet, Caleb, Grettie, Katie, Peter, Sampson, Nate, Jordy, Mikey, George
Wow. That was fun!

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin
This message was edited 11/27/2005, 1:14 PM
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
The Mountains-- FN Greek Mythology, MN starts with O
Castor Owen 'Cas'
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
HouseWife-- FN is from the 1900's you have 2 MN's that are HillBilly
Florence Janna Marthe 'Flory'
3)Your first child(s)
What do you prefer:
Laid back nothing makes me mad-- Twin Girls FN meaning Soft and MN meaning a type of Flower
DD/DD: Ermelinda Violet 'Mela' & Lamis Iolanthe 'Lami'
4)Second child
Are you a
Veggies all the way-- Girl FN should be vibrant MN start with M
Julietta Megan 'Jetta'
Do you
Like hiking Cat
Phoebe 'Phe'
6)Third Child
Do you like
Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names
DS/DS: Robert Edwin 'Robbie' & Wilfred Benjamin 'Will'
7)Adopted Boy from
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Germany-- FN must be Old German MN start with N
Amalric Nikon 'Ricky'
8)Next Child
If you could be any one of these which would it be
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
DS/DD: Leander Peregrine 'Lee' & Eleanor Callista 'Ella'
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
The Mountains-- FN Greek Mythology, MN starts with O
Castor Owen 'Cas'
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
HouseWife-- FN is from the 1900's you have 2 MN's that are HillBilly
Florence Janna Marthe 'Flory'
3)Your first child(s)
What do you prefer:
Laid back nothing makes me mad-- Twin Girls FN meaning Soft and MN meaning a type of Flower
DD/DD: Ermelinda Violet 'Mela' & Lamis Iolanthe 'Lami'
4)Second child
Are you a
Veggies all the way-- Girl FN should be vibrant MN start with M
Julietta Megan 'Jetta'
Do you
Like hiking Cat
Phoebe 'Phe'
6)Third Child
Do you like
Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names
DS/DS: Robert Edwin 'Robbie' & Wilfred Benjamin 'Will'
7)Adopted Boy from
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Germany-- FN must be Old German MN start with N
Amalric Nikon 'Ricky'
8)Next Child
If you could be any one of these which would it be
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
DS/DD: Leander Peregrine 'Lee' & Eleanor Callista 'Ella'
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
DH: Jacob Aidan
DW: Kailey Aoife
DS/DS: Gabriel Elias "Gabe" / George Emmanouil
DS: Asher Paris "Ash"
CAT: Freddie
DD/DD: Morgan Lily / Alyssa Darcy "Alys"
AS: Aleksei Isaak
DS/DD: Sebastian Henry "Seb" / Isobel Matilda "Bella"
DOG: Huo
Granny: Beatrice Camilla "Bea"
Homeless from the Church: Remus Carwyn
AD: Leela Amita
AS: Arun Jai
Cat: Daisy
DD/DS/DS/DS: Bryony Carys / Brooklyn Caleb / Brandon Cody / Blaise Camden
Cousin: Theodore Lewis "Theo"
Uncle: Robbie John
Cat: Poppy
Kittens: Jasmine, Zoey, Milly, Layna, Elly, Dakota, Nora
DD/DD/DS: Haven Eliana / Honey Britannia / Harley Kaden
Husband gets promotion at work
A day at a spa
DW: Kailey Aoife
DS/DS: Gabriel Elias "Gabe" / George Emmanouil
DS: Asher Paris "Ash"
CAT: Freddie
DD/DD: Morgan Lily / Alyssa Darcy "Alys"
AS: Aleksei Isaak
DS/DD: Sebastian Henry "Seb" / Isobel Matilda "Bella"
DOG: Huo
Granny: Beatrice Camilla "Bea"
Homeless from the Church: Remus Carwyn
AD: Leela Amita
AS: Arun Jai
Cat: Daisy
DD/DS/DS/DS: Bryony Carys / Brooklyn Caleb / Brandon Cody / Blaise Camden
Cousin: Theodore Lewis "Theo"
Uncle: Robbie John
Cat: Poppy
Kittens: Jasmine, Zoey, Milly, Layna, Elly, Dakota, Nora
DD/DD/DS: Haven Eliana / Honey Britannia / Harley Kaden
Husband gets promotion at work
A day at a spa
DH: Alexander Aidan "Xander"
DW: Juliana Bethany "Jules"
DD: Jillian Elaine "Jilly"
DD: Jewel Margaret "Maggie"
DD/DD: Kari Peyton / Kira Paige
DAS: Aleksei Isaak
DS/DD: Damian Andrew / Davinie Jade
DAD: Quiana Chloe
DS: Elijah Jacob
DD/DD/DS: Hunter Samantha / Hope Rhiannon / Harley Scott
DGMa: Gertrude Elise "Tru"
DHomeless: Lucius Bakar
DAunt: Eloise Rebekah "Louie"
DCat: Quarter
DCat: Fantasy
DCat: Jubilee
DRaccon: Razor
Xander got a promotion at work
Aunt Tilly passed away last fall
Jules was awarded mom of the year and was rewarded with a year supply of groceries from the local market
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DW: Juliana Bethany "Jules"
DD: Jillian Elaine "Jilly"
DD: Jewel Margaret "Maggie"
DD/DD: Kari Peyton / Kira Paige
DAS: Aleksei Isaak
DS/DD: Damian Andrew / Davinie Jade
DAD: Quiana Chloe
DS: Elijah Jacob
DD/DD/DS: Hunter Samantha / Hope Rhiannon / Harley Scott
DGMa: Gertrude Elise "Tru"
DHomeless: Lucius Bakar
DAunt: Eloise Rebekah "Louie"
DCat: Quarter
DCat: Fantasy
DCat: Jubilee
DRaccon: Razor
Xander got a promotion at work
Aunt Tilly passed away last fall
Jules was awarded mom of the year and was rewarded with a year supply of groceries from the local market
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Paris Ogden (recently promoted)
DW: Margaret Johnnie Faye (soon to take a day at the spa)
DD: Julitta Echo
DD: Aida Mathilde
DS: Arvid Harlow
DS: Nikolai Igor (adopted from Russia)
DD / DD / DD: Laetitia Rosa / Frances Catalpa / Tamsyn Iris (all mns are plants)
DS: Hamza Firoz (adopted from city orphanage)
DD: Noor Amira (adopted from city orphanage)
DS / DS / DS / DS: Malachi Francis / John Abraham / Clive Padraig / Rufus Ludovic (newborns0
DD / DD / DS: Hania Miriam / Hunter Sarai / Hershel Anthony
DGrannyInUrn: Lucinda Josepha
DHomelessPerson: Aurelius Eros
DEstrangedSisterInLaw: Soleil Rae (she changed her name recently—it used to be Karen)
DDeadAunt: Frieda Grace
Cat: Koshka
Snake: Angra Mainyu
Dog: Fungus
Spider: Icarus “Icky”
DW: Margaret Johnnie Faye (soon to take a day at the spa)
DD: Julitta Echo
DD: Aida Mathilde
DS: Arvid Harlow
DS: Nikolai Igor (adopted from Russia)
DD / DD / DD: Laetitia Rosa / Frances Catalpa / Tamsyn Iris (all mns are plants)
DS: Hamza Firoz (adopted from city orphanage)
DD: Noor Amira (adopted from city orphanage)
DS / DS / DS / DS: Malachi Francis / John Abraham / Clive Padraig / Rufus Ludovic (newborns0
DD / DD / DS: Hania Miriam / Hunter Sarai / Hershel Anthony
DGrannyInUrn: Lucinda Josepha
DHomelessPerson: Aurelius Eros
DEstrangedSisterInLaw: Soleil Rae (she changed her name recently—it used to be Karen)
DDeadAunt: Frieda Grace
Cat: Koshka
Snake: Angra Mainyu
Dog: Fungus
Spider: Icarus “Icky”
DH: Caleb Alois -42
DW: Maggie Lilyana Natashia -40
DD/DD: Rosalind Amaryllis "Rose" / Ermelinda Lily "Emma" -15
DD: Juliet Madalyn -14
DParrot: Indigo
DD: Ava Elizabeth -12
DAS: Aidan James -11
DD: Eowyn Hazel -10
DCat: Rain
DG-ma: Anna Bride -66
Homeless: Kimberly Lyra -20
DAS: Ryo Nori -10
DAD: Amaya Cho Gina -8
DDog: Annabel
DD/DD/DS: Honora Astrid "Nora" / Hanna Leigh / Harry Nolan -1
DCousin: Laurence Jacob -24
DeadCrazyAunt: Libby Louisa -33
DFoundPuppy: Iah Dennis [boy]
Awarded Mom of the Year: Groceries!
DD/DD/DD: Isabelle Taryn / Nola Grace / Sari Lynn -2 weeks
Caleb, Maggie, Rose, Emma, Juliet, Ava, Aidan, Eowyn, Anna, Kimberly, Ryo, Amaya, Nora, Hanna, Harry, Laurence, Isabelle, Nola, Sari
DW: Maggie Lilyana Natashia -40
DD/DD: Rosalind Amaryllis "Rose" / Ermelinda Lily "Emma" -15
DD: Juliet Madalyn -14
DParrot: Indigo
DD: Ava Elizabeth -12
DAS: Aidan James -11
DD: Eowyn Hazel -10
DCat: Rain
DG-ma: Anna Bride -66
Homeless: Kimberly Lyra -20
DAS: Ryo Nori -10
DAD: Amaya Cho Gina -8
DDog: Annabel
DD/DD/DS: Honora Astrid "Nora" / Hanna Leigh / Harry Nolan -1
DCousin: Laurence Jacob -24
DeadCrazyAunt: Libby Louisa -33
DFoundPuppy: Iah Dennis [boy]
Awarded Mom of the Year: Groceries!
DD/DD/DD: Isabelle Taryn / Nola Grace / Sari Lynn -2 weeks
Caleb, Maggie, Rose, Emma, Juliet, Ava, Aidan, Eowyn, Anna, Kimberly, Ryo, Amaya, Nora, Hanna, Harry, Laurence, Isabelle, Nola, Sari
DH: Zephyr Olivier (gets promoted!)
DW: Anouk Brianna (mom of the year - queen for a day!)
DD/DD: Lamis Rose / Rosalind Ivy
DD: Violet Maya
DD/DD: Leah Melody / Anya Skye
DS: Theodoric Neil (German)
DD: Arwen Lucina
Uncle: Lauri Spyros
Homeless person: Lachlan Betelgeuse
DS: Konstandin Gjergj (adopted)
DD: Amalija Dijana (adopted)
DS/DS/DD/DD: Joel Benjamin/Vincent Michael/Juliet Marina/Grace Helena
Zephyr's sister: Soleil Rhiannon
DS/DS: Christian Lewis / Connor Leslie
Cat: Astoria
Dachshund: Seraphina
Spaniel: Waldorf
Rat: Leander
Going to uncle Karl Elliot's funeral.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Angus, Elvin, "The Brow", River, Orlando, Fritz, Hayden, Hubert, Liza, Angeline, Carmella, Xanthe, Tabea, Clara, Jocasta and Violet.
~~~~~ - Sparkleflower, Moonrain, Honeybud, Twinklesun and Sugarberry.
DW: Anouk Brianna (mom of the year - queen for a day!)
DD/DD: Lamis Rose / Rosalind Ivy
DD: Violet Maya
DD/DD: Leah Melody / Anya Skye
DS: Theodoric Neil (German)
DD: Arwen Lucina
Uncle: Lauri Spyros
Homeless person: Lachlan Betelgeuse
DS: Konstandin Gjergj (adopted)
DD: Amalija Dijana (adopted)
DS/DS/DD/DD: Joel Benjamin/Vincent Michael/Juliet Marina/Grace Helena
Zephyr's sister: Soleil Rhiannon
DS/DS: Christian Lewis / Connor Leslie
Cat: Astoria
Dachshund: Seraphina
Spaniel: Waldorf
Rat: Leander
Going to uncle Karl Elliot's funeral.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Angus, Elvin, "The Brow", River, Orlando, Fritz, Hayden, Hubert, Liza, Angeline, Carmella, Xanthe, Tabea, Clara, Jocasta and Violet.
~~~~~ - Sparkleflower, Moonrain, Honeybud, Twinklesun and Sugarberry.
DH: Dylan Blair
DW: Anna Makayla Tahnee
DS/DS: Gabriel Elias / Griffin Emmanouil
DS: Asher Preston
DS/DS: Liam Dominic / Finnigan Thomas
DAdoptedS: Connor Joseph
DS/DD: Oliver Jackson / Abigail Rose
DAS: Tahj Kai
DAD: Asha Malila
DS/DD/DD/DD: Charles Rowan / Callie Aspen / Delia Marie / Macy Sienna
DD/DD/DS: Hallie Joy / Hadley Grace / Harley Sawyer
DGranny: Ida Jane
Homeless from the church: Craig Sirius
DcrazyAunt: Kira Renee
Funeral—DotherCrazyAunt: Juniper Pearl "Joon"
Dylan, Anna, Gabriel, Griffin, Asher, Liam, Finn, Connor, Oliver, Abigail, Tahj, Asha, Charlie, Callie, Delia, Macy, Hallie, Hadley, and Sawyer and the pets…
DW: Anna Makayla Tahnee
DS/DS: Gabriel Elias / Griffin Emmanouil
DS: Asher Preston
DS/DS: Liam Dominic / Finnigan Thomas
DAdoptedS: Connor Joseph
DS/DD: Oliver Jackson / Abigail Rose
DAS: Tahj Kai
DAD: Asha Malila
DS/DD/DD/DD: Charles Rowan / Callie Aspen / Delia Marie / Macy Sienna
DD/DD/DS: Hallie Joy / Hadley Grace / Harley Sawyer
DGranny: Ida Jane
Homeless from the church: Craig Sirius
DcrazyAunt: Kira Renee
Funeral—DotherCrazyAunt: Juniper Pearl "Joon"
Dylan, Anna, Gabriel, Griffin, Asher, Liam, Finn, Connor, Oliver, Abigail, Tahj, Asha, Charlie, Callie, Delia, Macy, Hallie, Hadley, and Sawyer and the pets…
This message was edited 11/27/2005, 9:58 AM
DH: Angelos Octavian
DW: Katrien Bernadette
DS/DS: Gunnar Evangelos / Gareth Emmanouil, 16
DD: Scarlett Marianna, 13
Dpet: Pot Bellied Pig - Ophelia
DS/DS: Lincoln Kole / Indiana Kody, 11
Adopted Boy from Ireland: Seamus Edan, 9
DS: Vincent Benjamin, 7
Dpet: 3 Shetland Ponies: Pippin, Meriwether, & Sam
Dgma: Gwyneth Hermione
Homeless from the Church: Waylon Leo
Adoption from the city orphan home: Kun Bo, 8 & Jia Li, 6
Adopt a pet week at the local shelter: dog named Heinz, German Shepard mix
DS: Atticus Harper - 2 years
Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
Make room for husbands family member, Norbert Conall, a cousin from up north you name him
Funeral to go to: crazy Aunt Mallory Eve, in the loony bin
Kids bring home lost animal: Cat and her 7 kittens: Molly & Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.
DW: Katrien Bernadette
DS/DS: Gunnar Evangelos / Gareth Emmanouil, 16
DD: Scarlett Marianna, 13
Dpet: Pot Bellied Pig - Ophelia
DS/DS: Lincoln Kole / Indiana Kody, 11
Adopted Boy from Ireland: Seamus Edan, 9
DS: Vincent Benjamin, 7
Dpet: 3 Shetland Ponies: Pippin, Meriwether, & Sam
Dgma: Gwyneth Hermione
Homeless from the Church: Waylon Leo
Adoption from the city orphan home: Kun Bo, 8 & Jia Li, 6
Adopt a pet week at the local shelter: dog named Heinz, German Shepard mix
DS: Atticus Harper - 2 years
Cottage near the mountains-- husband gets promotion at work
Make room for husbands family member, Norbert Conall, a cousin from up north you name him
Funeral to go to: crazy Aunt Mallory Eve, in the loony bin
Kids bring home lost animal: Cat and her 7 kittens: Molly & Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny.
1)DH: Jack Colin
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
Beachhouse on the West Coast-- FN popular, MN Scottish
2)DW: Chloe Arianne
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
Congress-- FN is Biblical MN is French
3)Your first child(s)- Giovanni Evangelos/ Gabriel Elias
What do you prefer:
A strong, silent male role model-- Twin Boys FN start with G MN's are from Greek and start with E
4)Second child- Adam Patrick
Are you a
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
Do you
Contact Sports Bird
6)Third Child
Do you like- Natalia Sofia/ Lauren Rachel
Horror movies-- Twin Girls you pick the names
7)Adopted Boy from- Aiden Nicholas
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick
8)Next Child - Michael Anthony/ Liliana Rose
If you could be any one of these which would it be
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
9)Pet- 1 cat-Prospero "Pero"
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
Your medical conditions if any--cat you pick how many and give them magical names
10)Family member that lives with you- Gaetana Concetta
What is your favorite food
Home cooked meal --Granny you name her
11)Homeless from the Church- Adam Leo
What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in?
Beachhouse on the West Coast-- FN popular, MN Scottish
2)DW: Chloe Arianne
If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be?
Congress-- FN is Biblical MN is French
3)Your first child(s)- Giovanni Evangelos/ Gabriel Elias
What do you prefer:
A strong, silent male role model-- Twin Boys FN start with G MN's are from Greek and start with E
4)Second child- Adam Patrick
Are you a
Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P
Do you
Contact Sports Bird
6)Third Child
Do you like- Natalia Sofia/ Lauren Rachel
Horror movies-- Twin Girls you pick the names
7)Adopted Boy from- Aiden Nicholas
Which place would you pick to vacation at
Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick
8)Next Child - Michael Anthony/ Liliana Rose
If you could be any one of these which would it be
Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name
9)Pet- 1 cat-Prospero "Pero"
If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be
Your medical conditions if any--cat you pick how many and give them magical names
10)Family member that lives with you- Gaetana Concetta
What is your favorite food
Home cooked meal --Granny you name her
11)Homeless from the Church- Adam Leo
DH: Logan Mackenzie
DW: Delilah Juliette
DD/DD: Megan Lily/ Belinda Jasmine
DS: Ashton Pierce
DD/DD: Scarlett Elise/ Ruby Alyssa
AS: Kieran Jett
DS/DD: Jamison Dane/ Dayna Jayme
AS: Diego Kai
AD: Tatiana Belle
DD/DD/DS: Delaney Brooke/ Morgan Brianna/ Ryder Brennan
DD/DD/DS: Holly Jewel/ Harmony Jade/ Hunter Jack
DW: Delilah Juliette
DD/DD: Megan Lily/ Belinda Jasmine
DS: Ashton Pierce
DD/DD: Scarlett Elise/ Ruby Alyssa
AS: Kieran Jett
DS/DD: Jamison Dane/ Dayna Jayme
AS: Diego Kai
AD: Tatiana Belle
DD/DD/DS: Delaney Brooke/ Morgan Brianna/ Ryder Brennan
DD/DD/DS: Holly Jewel/ Harmony Jade/ Hunter Jack
what? i posted and 1/2 was gone! i quit sorry
That was so much fun!
1)DH: Icarus Ogden (The Mountains)
2)DW: Katherine Emer "Kate" (Nurse :) I'm a nursing student)
3)DS/DS: Grady Elias / Garrett Evangelos (strong silent)
4)DS: Alexander Preston "Alex" (meat and potatoes)
5)DCat: Neville Longbottom (hiking)
6)DD/DD: Evelyn Lois "Evie" / Elizabeth Ann "Liz" (Horror)
7)AS: Yaroslav Igor "Yaros" (Russia)
8)DS/DD: Ogden Lionel / Tessa Violet (Catherine Zeta-Jones)
9)DDog: Fintan the Boston Terrier (First Date)
10)DGranny: Rosemary Pearl (Home cooked)
11)Homeless from the Church: Faustus Lyuben (Catholic)
12)AS: Naveen Vasu
AD: Deepali Gowri
13)Dcat: Alexandra the Great "Lux"
14)DD/DD/DS/DS: Ivy Ellery / Lara Tate / Otis Sullivan / Holden Otto (Lucky Sometimes)
1)DH: Icarus Ogden (The Mountains)
2)DW: Katherine Emer "Kate" (Nurse :) I'm a nursing student)
3)DS/DS: Grady Elias / Garrett Evangelos (strong silent)
4)DS: Alexander Preston "Alex" (meat and potatoes)
5)DCat: Neville Longbottom (hiking)
6)DD/DD: Evelyn Lois "Evie" / Elizabeth Ann "Liz" (Horror)
7)AS: Yaroslav Igor "Yaros" (Russia)
8)DS/DD: Ogden Lionel / Tessa Violet (Catherine Zeta-Jones)
9)DDog: Fintan the Boston Terrier (First Date)
10)DGranny: Rosemary Pearl (Home cooked)
11)Homeless from the Church: Faustus Lyuben (Catholic)
12)AS: Naveen Vasu
AD: Deepali Gowri
13)Dcat: Alexandra the Great "Lux"
14)DD/DD/DS/DS: Ivy Ellery / Lara Tate / Otis Sullivan / Holden Otto (Lucky Sometimes)
1)DH: What geographical place would you prefer to live in if you could just pick one to live in? (The Flat Plains-- 2 FN start with C A MN German that starts with A)
Caleb Charles Adam "Cale"
2)DW: If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be? (Teacher-- FN is Dutch MN starts with B)
Janna Brooke
3)Your first child(s): What do you prefer: (Laid back nothing makes me mad-- Twin Girls FN meaning Soft and MN meaning a type of Flower)
Ermelinda Rose / Rosalind Lily
4)Second child: Are you a (Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P)
Austin Presley
5)Pet: Do you (Jogging Dog)
6)Third Child: Do you like (Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names)
Grant William / Cade Preston
7)Adopted Boy from: Which place would you pick to vacation at (Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick)
Carson Spencer
8)Next Child: If you could be any one of these which would it be (Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name)
Jude Hamilton / Ava Elisabeth
9)Pet: If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be (Your medical conditions if any--cat you pick how many and give them magical names)
10)Family member that lives with you: What is your favorite food (Home cooked meal --Granny you name her)
Elisabeth Christina
11)Homeless from the Church: What do you claim as a Religion: (Other-- FN should be Earthy and strong MN Astrological)
Adam Orion
12)Adoption from the city orphan home: You are usually (Quiet and laid back-- adopt a boy and girl not twins their names should be ethnic)
Luis Alejandro / Adriana Cecilia
13)Adopt a pet week at the local shelter: You tend to anger easily (No adopt a dog...name them what you like)
14)Newborn in the house: You feel lucky most days (Yes -- triplets you pick name and gender)
Reese Victoria / Carrie Marie / Ariella Kathryn
Caleb Charles Adam "Cale"
2)DW: If you could choose one of these occupations which would it be? (Teacher-- FN is Dutch MN starts with B)
Janna Brooke
3)Your first child(s): What do you prefer: (Laid back nothing makes me mad-- Twin Girls FN meaning Soft and MN meaning a type of Flower)
Ermelinda Rose / Rosalind Lily
4)Second child: Are you a (Meat and potato person-- Boy FN start with A MN start with P)
Austin Presley
5)Pet: Do you (Jogging Dog)
6)Third Child: Do you like (Comedy-- Twin Boys you choose the names)
Grant William / Cade Preston
7)Adopted Boy from: Which place would you pick to vacation at (Ireland-- FN must be Irish MN you pick)
Carson Spencer
8)Next Child: If you could be any one of these which would it be (Catherine Zeta-Jones-- Twin B/G you choose the name)
Jude Hamilton / Ava Elisabeth
9)Pet: If you could go back in your life and change one of these things which would it be (Your medical conditions if any--cat you pick how many and give them magical names)
10)Family member that lives with you: What is your favorite food (Home cooked meal --Granny you name her)
Elisabeth Christina
11)Homeless from the Church: What do you claim as a Religion: (Other-- FN should be Earthy and strong MN Astrological)
Adam Orion
12)Adoption from the city orphan home: You are usually (Quiet and laid back-- adopt a boy and girl not twins their names should be ethnic)
Luis Alejandro / Adriana Cecilia
13)Adopt a pet week at the local shelter: You tend to anger easily (No adopt a dog...name them what you like)
14)Newborn in the house: You feel lucky most days (Yes -- triplets you pick name and gender)
Reese Victoria / Carrie Marie / Ariella Kathryn