First place: Christopher Sebastian (avalon)
Second place: Caleb Oliver (lulu)
Third place: Nicholas Ryan (Diamante04)
First place: Laurel Annelise (lulu)
Second place: Lydia Elizabeth (estel)
Third place: Charlotte Rose (Rachel)
First place: Adelaide Gemma "Addie" (Sophie)
Second place: Lily Aurora (lulu)
Third place: Ava Georgiana (avalon)
First place: Emma Felicity (lulu)
Second place: Aurora Isabelle (LadyBug18)
Third place: Evelyn Elizabeth (Eilis)
First place: Sebastian Luke (LadyBug18)
Second place: Oliver Sebastian (Rachel)
Third place: Noah Robert (PinkPrincess)
DS2: (as a single child, apart from triplets)
First place: Ethan Christopher (PinkPrincess)
Second place: Gregory Evan (TheArthurs)
Third place: James Aidan (Diamante04)
DS3: (as a single child, apart from triplets)
First place: Benjamin Oliver (TheArthurs)
Second place: David Gregory (Eliza)
Third place: Evan James (LadyBug18)
DD3: (as a single child, apart from triplets)
First place: Hannah Patricia (Eliza)
Second place: Emma Joyce (LadyBug18)
Third place: Emma Natalie (PinkPrincess)
DS2/DS3/DD3: (as a sibset)
First place: DS/DS/DD: Oliver Sebastian, Christopher Miles, Elizabeth Juliet (MichelleG)
Second place: Noah Gabriel, Peter Lachlan, Emma Kate (avalon)
Third place: Ethan James, Evan David, Eloise Anna Rose (lulu)
First place: Aidan Alexander (LadyBug18)
Second place: Aidan Michael (avalon)
Third place: Tyler Gregory 'Ty' (estel)
Congrats everyone! It was great fun to read all of your entries :)

Top Names
Lilah Adelaide and Emma Lilian
Aidan Oliver and Noah Benjamin