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[Facts] ATTN: Devonelisa
I've noticed how good you are with Greek names, and was wondering if you could confirm these pronunciations for me ... I've put my own guesses in brackets, but no doubt they're way off the mark lol:Aella (ay-la perhaps?)
Aeson (ay-sun, ee-son?)Actually I'm hoping for ay-la and ay-sun, because I like the sound of those, but that's wishful thinking and with Phaedra in mind I suspect they could be ee-la and ee-sun ... Anyways, thanks in advance :-)
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I must preface this by saying that how the Ancient Greeks actually said Ancient Greek is nothing more than a retro-active best guess but from what can be told I can tell you:Aella ('storm') would be said with smooth breathing (no H sound in front), long A, most correctly (but clearly not always done all that well since it's always said 'most correctly' LOL) with the short E sound (as in pet), lengthened L sound and short A so AY-el-la or if you don't want to be 'most correctly', AYL-la.I'm addled here but not recognising Aeson (Aesa?) but the same grammatical rules would apply - long A, short E if you include it, assuming that's omicron, short O as in pot, so AY-eh-son or AY-son. I'm in that thick-brained foggy bit of pregnancy where all I want to do is sleep so perhaps the thought of aesa has just blinded me to the obvious here - sorry about that!Devon
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