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[Surname] Tne meaning and origin of 'CLUBINE'
The Surname I am interested in is 'Clubine' and I was told that it is French/Huguenot. I am having a very difficult time in researching this surname. Any help and suggestions would be much appreciated.

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Tne meaning and origin of 'CLUBINE'  ·  Robert Wellington Clubine III  ·  6/2/2004, 5:02 PM
Re: Pronunciation of 'CLUBINE'  ·  Anon.  ·  6/6/2004, 10:06 AM
Re: Calvin  ·  Anon.  ·  6/6/2004, 10:36 AM
Re: Tne meaning and origin of 'CLUBINE'  ·  Sean Foglai  ·  6/3/2004, 7:45 AM