I purposely left out all the weird spelling ones, as much as I despise them. These are just the ones that made me go, "Huh?!"
Chloe e' A -- pronunciation WHAT?
Heaven Lee -- not kidding.
Hatcher Boone
Huxley Isabella -- did they pull that from "Demolition Man?"
Carson Lydia -- Carson on a girl?!
Zoey Pandora
Awesome Lee Sunshine (boy)
Lazius Xavior -- is it just me, or does that look like "laziest?"
Imric Ozwald Aristides
Sadie Mae -- this sounds nice upon first glance, but does anyone remember the Manson family?
Samantha Elliott
Jude Tupper -- the tupperware jokes will never get old
Quinci Nicole
Jasper Bear
MacKinsie Thelma-Jean -- I'm not sure which I hate more: the butchered spelling of an already hideous trendy unisex name, or the horrendously dated Thelma-Jean combo!
Sunnie Aspen -- perhaps where they honeymooned?
Solomon Lansing -- huge fan of Solomon, but if you're trying to pick a city name for a kid, can't you do any better than Lansing? Seriously.
Your thoughts?