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[Opinions] Re: Laurence
I feel guilty loving Laurence for a boy the way I do. One terrible day I learned that it's actually a French feminine name, not masculine. Oh, the horror. Now I have to wrestle with my conscience. I'm always nagging others about authenticity when it comes to gender. Not I'm caught in my own trap. But then I have a cookie and all is well in hypocrite-town.One of the best combos I ever saw in the real world was Eamonn Laurence. Oh, the loveliness of that one. Lucky boy. I love both Lawrence and Laurence for a boy. Lawrence is more stately. Laurence is more romantic. It just depends on which image I want to project at that moment. Yes, Laurence is a wonderful way to honor Mom Lori. But I have to give preference to Lauritz. That mashup is toooooo cooooool to pass by. Plus, I love Lauritz anyway. You could have another nn Ritz on your hands, this time a boy. :-)

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 9:23 AM

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oh no, French feminine name! Well, I don't know too many hard-core French people - I bet most wouldn't notice :)Lauritz really is too cool isn't it?? I love it. It's fun and interesting, but I wonder if its too girlish?
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How is Lauritz girly? It's got hard edges and looks kind of snarly. (Men, take note of my picture of you in general.)

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 10:05 AM

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Maybe it's because I think of an old woman when I see the Ritz part! :)
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Putting on the Ritz I can't make this image work. If you do an image search on google to "putting on the ritz fred astaire" you'll see an image of Fred up in the air in top hat and tails. It's very amusing and was supposed to give you a more masculine association than your grandmother.

This message was edited 6/17/2010, 10:33 AM

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No, no. Puttin' on Lauritz :PLOL! So sorry. I couldn't resist.
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