For the first part, you choose the DH and DW's names based on their initals. The kids' names are taken from the Top 100 list of the 80s. :D
DH: R.H.
DW: L.W.
DS/DS: Michael, Sean, Chad, Jeffrey, Timothy / Kyle, Jeremy, Joshua, Matthew, Ronald // Jesse, Alexander, Tyler, Brett, Derrick / Casey, Gabriel, Corey, Jordan, Philip
DD: Jessica, Ashley, Amy, Danielle, Samantha / Erin, Kelly, Sara, Rachel, Lauren
DD: Jennifer, Michelle, Kimberly, Brittany, Lindsey / Christine, Alicia, Vanessa, Angela, Tara
DS: Austin, Todd, Christian, Shane, Steven / Christopher, Adam, John, James, Kevin
DD/DS: Amanda, Jacqueline, Monica, Holly, Andrea / Kristin, Erica, Courtney, Kelly, Whitney // Mark, Jacob, Patrick, Brian, William / Jason, Nicholas, Anthony, Scott, Nathan
DS: Brandon, Andrew, Justin, Dustin, Zachary / Samuel, Bradley, Jared, Cody, Keith