[Opinions] Re: Abielle
Looks like Abby-Elle to me more than anything. I can see it being ah-bee-ELLE almost just as easily, though, and that seems nicer. I dislike the sound ABB in femme names, that's just me I guess.To me something seems to be missing from the spelling, but it's fairly trivial; and the name seems like an invention influenced by the fashions for Abigail, Elle, Aubrey, Brielle. I'm sure I've even seen Aubrielle, and that's probably why Abielle seems incomplete.I think if I were in love with the sound of ah-bee-EL, I'd spell it Aubiele. People would have to ask how to spell it anyway.- chazda
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Abielle  ·  Una Goodchild  ·  1/3/2006, 6:09 PM
Re: Abielle  ·  Isla  ·  1/4/2006, 3:07 PM
Re: Abielle  ·  Alexandra  ·  1/4/2006, 6:13 AM
Re: Abielle  ·  chazda  ·  1/3/2006, 8:47 PM
Re: Abielle  ·  .blonde.  ·  1/3/2006, 8:20 PM
Re: Abielle  ·  Jae  ·  1/3/2006, 8:31 PM
Re: Abielle  ·  OceanStar719  ·  1/3/2006, 6:43 PM
Re: Abielle  ·  Dreamer22  ·  1/3/2006, 6:10 PM