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[Opinions] Re: Feodora
in reply to a message by Ozma
I thought "fedora" as soon as I saw your title. :-/How are you pronouncing Feodora? That might make a difference. I'm used to Fyodor having the stresson the first syllable. Is Feodora said the same way? Or is the stress on the "-dora" part? If so, then the fedora connection is difficult to see past. Then again, no one wears fedoras anymore (more's the pity.) Dorie, Dodie, Feddie, Effie? Feodora Parvati
Feodora Natalia / Natalie
Feodora Sophie
Feodora Tamar
Feodora Marguerite
Feodora Alix
Feodora Xanthe
Feodora Sibyl
Feodora Pascale
Feodora Ines
Feodora Camille
Feodora Pearl
Feodora Helen / Eleni
Feodora Kestrel
Feodora Martine
Feodora Tamsin
Feodora Melusine
Feodora Clara
Feodora Regine
Feodora Casimira
Feodora Nesrin
Feodora Alexandra / SandrineKind of a style soup, but there it is. Hope there's something that tickles your fancy. :-)

This message was edited 4/25/2011, 6:29 PM

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I'm pronouncing it like Theodora, but with an 'F'. It's the name of a character in a book I'm reading, so it sparked my curiosity.I like Feodora Regine, Feodora Martine, Feodora Alexandra, and Feodora Natalia. Thanks! :)
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